
Bearing Weasley's Wizard Wheezes clutched in the hand of a boy being pulled by his mother through the throng packed sardine-tight in the store.

It was utter madness: Ever-Bashing Boomerangs whipped through the air. Dr. Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start No-Heat fireworks spit sparks, and Nose-Biting Teacups bare tiny porcelain teeth.

Fred and George, in screaming magenta, stood upon a counter, selling to the masses. "Step up! Step up!" They yelled together as Olivia walked over.

"We've got Fainting Fancy." George told the huge crowd.

"Nosebleed Nougats."

"And just in time for school."

"Puking Pastilles!" A boy stops chewing, and literally turned pale green.

"Into the cauldron, handsome." Together, with the tip of their toes, Fred and George launched a sloshing caldron down the counter. It dropped down on either side of Harry and begin to steer him through the store.

Olivia rolled her eyes at them as she walked through the store. "What'd you think, Harry?" Fred asked him as George spied on Olivia.


Without turn to a browsing boy. "Pocket that and you'll pay in more than Galleons, my friend." He finally turned to the boy.

"We've got eyes in the back of our heads." The boy, working a screaming yo-yo blanched as Fred and George turned. They revealed that they do in fact have eyes in the back of their heads.

They were phony, but unnerving. As the eyes winked at the boy, he bolted away from them. "Bloody urchins." Harry eyed a display of orange and black lumps.

"Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder?" Harry asked as he spotted Olivia looking around the store.

"A real money spinner that." Fred told him as he looked over to what Harry was looking at. "Handy if you need to make a quick escape. Hello, ladies!" George dropped one of the lumps in Harry's hand and turned to Ginny and Hermione. They were peruse a display of "Wonder Witch Love Potions."

"Yes, they do really work." George told them as Harry went over to Olivia.

"Then again, the way we hear it, sis, you're doing just fine on your own." Olivia turned to Harry and smiled softly at him.

"Meaning?" The two heard Ginny ask.

"How have you been?" Olivia asked Harry who looked at her.

"I've been ok, what about you?" He asked her as he looked at a rack of Ten-Second Pimple Vanisher.

"I've been okay."

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" Harry pretended that he was talking to Olivia, which wasn't a lie, but he was also ease-dropping. "None of your business." Ginny growled at her bothers.

"These are adorable." Inside a cage a small round ball of fluff rolled around squeaking.

"Aren't they now. Pygmy Puffs. Can't breed them fast enough." Just then a huge boy passed behind Hermione and, with his eyes, took the full measure of her. Noticing, she turned and received a faint smile as he moves on.

Olivia walked over to the Pygmy Puffs and took one out of the cage.

"How much for this?" A tiny wooden man ascended a tiny gallows and dropped. George rode a rolling ladder over to them and dropped next to Fred.

"Five Galleons." The twins told Ron as George handed a box to Fred.

"How much for me?" Ron asked his brothers at he looked down at the toy.

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