"But two days later, Educational Decree Twenty-Four was introduced." Olivia looked over to the woman.

"Then it still was legal. You can not punish a group if they did something before the law was laid." Dumbledore smiled at the girl and her smarts.

"Again, quite correct. However, I wonder if you have any evidence that proves this group has been meeting since then?" The turned to Marietta.

"I have a witness right here!" Umbridge shouted and pushed the young Ravenclaw towards the siblings. Olivia looked at her with this look and Marietta looked down to her feet.

Olivia might not be a Perfect, but everyone in her house treated her like one. "Correct again, I must confess that I was, however under the impression that this young girl only told you a meeting was going on tonight." Harry grabbed Olivia's hand causing her to look away from the girl.

"Be nice." Liv huffed and nodded at her brother.

"Let's ask her, shall we." Umbridge turned to Marietta, who was staring at a wall. "You can shake your head for a answer, dear. Now, have there been more meetings?" She asked the scared Ravenclaw. Slowly, still looking at the wall, Marietta shook her head.

"What do you mean by shaking your head, girl?" Olivia laughed at the toad like woman as her cat walked over.

"There you are." Olivia picked Snowball up and turned back to the others.

"I would think she was saying there have been no other meetings. Would I be correct?" Dumbledore asked the girl and she nodded.

"But what about Potter and Snape? They were leading, and has been-" To Umbridge's astonishment, Marietta was shaking her head yet again. "Why are you shaking your head, girl?"

"It usually means 'no', Dolores." Umbridge grabbed Marietta by the cloak and started to shake her roughly.

Harry grabbed Olivia before she could grab her wand. Dumbledore stood up and pointed his wand at Umbridge. "Again, I cannot have you manhandling my students, Professor Umbridge." Anger was laced in every word. Umbridge laughed softly and let Marietta go.

Olivia pulled the girl to her. She handed Snowball to the shaken girl who smiles up to her. "My apologies, Headmaster. I forgot myself." Snowball started purring in the shaken girls hands.

"Well, what about the meeting tonight?" Fudge asked as he kept an eye on the two Ravenclaws.

"Right. Of course. Well, we proceeded down to the Room and entered." She paused for some unknown reason. "We caught Snape still in the room. Potter was just outside. But it doesn't matter. We've found all of their names." She pulled out the roster list Hermione made up from her pocket. Olivia hissed softly as Harry gapped in horror.

Fudge gaped at it as well. He snatched it out of Umbridges hands. He looked up with an expression of twisted delight on his face. "So, Dumbledore, you've bee behind this whole thing." He handed the paper to Dumbledore, who looked at it.

He seemed to suddenly be at a loss for words. Draco? He was apart of it to? He has turned out better than he thought he would have. 

"Dumbledore's Army." Fudge whispered harshly at the old man. Dumbledore smiled pleasantly and spread his hands widely.

"Well, Minster. You've caught me." Olivia rolled her eyes as she kept an arm around the young Ravenclaw.

"This has all been your doing! You've been recruiting students for your army!" Olivia jumped a little at the loud shouting. Harry glared at the Minster.

"Quite correct, Cornelius." Dumbledore looked at the older Ravenclaw as she tried to keep a calm look on her face.

"I knew it! I knew it! You've been plotting against me all this time!" Olivia hated when people yelled know a days. It always scared the living daylights out of her.

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