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Namjoon open the front door of their house to find Yuto standing all alone outside soaking wet because its been raining for a while."Yuto...What are you doing here?"Namjoon asked.Yuto stay quiet before answering."My group has gone to far.They are planning to get rid of you guys so I come running here."Yuto explain to them.

Namjoon raised his eyebrows,confused."Why are you telling me this? You want to protect our group?'Yuto nodded."Well...I'm trying to protect one of you.Don't get me wrong.I still want to protect you guys but I have someone special to me in your group."Namjoon know who it is.

"Its Yoongi isn't it?"Yuto is caught of guard by his answer because he is more than right."...Yeah.How did you know?"Namjoon chuckled while patting his back."Its obvious.Your appearing around Yoongi alot.You are not that rude to him either."Yuto started laughing in embarassment of being notice by the leader.

"Mind telling me what is your relationship with Yoongi?"Yuto stopped laughing and look at him with a smile."He's my step-brother.The only family members that I have left."Namjoon let out an 'oh'."But why is his name Min?"

"I change my name.I use to be Min Yuto but after I left the house,I change my surname and Hoe-Taek erase me from Yoongi memory."Namjoon nodded."So? Where are you gonna go now?"Yuto shrugged."I'll just went to Super Junior house or something.Well,see ya around."Yuto gave a friendly wave and disappear witha gush of wind passing in the rain.

He close the door and lock it thinking about Yuto's word.He trusted Yuto a little bit now.

"....Namjoon?"Namjoon was surprised when he heard the voice that he fell down on the tiled floor."Y-Yoongi?"Yoongi offers his hand to help Namjoon who fell down in surprised just now."I heard everything."Namjoon nodded and silently walk past him to his room.

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