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"So....You really think hard about this? Its only been two days."Jungkook nodded."They didnt care at all.Beside I already screamed everything I wanted to say to them just now.I am pretty sure they would kill me if I go back."Jin just nodded and turned to Namjoon."Well...I guess thats good.Now that you decided,lets get to know each other more."Namjoon suggested."Good idea."Jungkook smiled."Now that I think about it,I dont know your name at all.Can you introduce yourself?"Jin and Namjoon nodded and Jin began.

"My name is Kim seokjin.He is my childhood friend Kim Namjoon."Jungkook began asking them about their age."Oh yeah.Namjoon is younger than me actually but he take care of me the most."Jin chuckled nervously."We should probably go now."They nodded when suddenly Jungkook step mother burst into the cafe."Jungkook?! Come here!"Jungkook look at his step mom and immedietly hide behind Namjoon.

Namjoon got the signal and try to get out quietly as the waitress is trying to calm her down when suddenly she looked behind Namjoon and screamed "Jungkook!"Jungkook cussed under his breath."How can you say that to all of us? We will take care of you from now on so lets go home."..."Jungkook stay quiet."I dont believe you."Jungkook bluntly stated."Please jungkook your father and brother is worried about you."She begged.he shook his head and push Namjoon and Jin to the door until his mother stopped them.

"Move aside ma'am."Jungkook said really coldly.She ignore him snd turned to Namjoon and Jin."What did you do to my son?"They just smirked."We didnt do anything ma'am.Please get out of our way."Jin asked very politely."SAY SOMETHING! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SON!?"Jungkook finally snapped (Again).he took a cup of water near him and splash it on his step mo- no at the stranger."Move."He said really coldly.She didnt say anything as he continue to push Namjoon and Jin out.

"Man...She is quiet a woman."Namjoon sighed walking alongside Jin."I know."Jin also sighed."She just want to act like she cared.Who knows what people wil say if I left."They just chukled."You go to school right?"Namjoon asked."Hm...Yeah i did but sometimes not.I dont know why either.I am homeschool but at the same time not."They nodded.

Once they're arrived they told Jungkook to put his stuff in one of the empty room and come downstair.Once he's done he come back downstair and saw them sitting down."I am curious you guys really did want to find another ability holder or are you just decided to bring me here with you guys?"They look st each other before answering him.""We do want to search for other but...You could say that...We cant find one until we found you"

Jungkook nodded."Alright I believe you.Maybe I can help you out too."Jin and Namjoon looker at him with confused look while jungkook just smirked.

"Kim Taehyung"

Scar (BTS superpower AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum