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"Come on~ is that how you say hi to an old friend? rude."Yuto chuckled."What do you want?"Mark said coldly as he stood in front of Yoongi."Hey I don't want to start a fight...

...Yet."He answered back."Hui said to give you guys this."A gush of wind suddenly blow through and a piece of paper fell down to the ground.

"Why did you call us to take this? They gonna know right?"Mark said at him.Yuto just stay silent playing with his jacket zipper before answering."They are noisy.They would probably attacked me before giving me a chance to speak so I pick you and that other guy right there."Yuto point towards Yoongi and smile."How did you know about him?"Mark ask with a hint of anger in his voice.

"His house was attack by the government so I did some research and...He is the result."Yuto smile at them before waving his hand."See ya guys later!"The wind blow strongly again and he disappeared immediately.Yoongi just stood there confused.Mark took out his phone and call his members."Hey.We gotta go and meet up at BTS house now.Invite the other too."Mark hang up and drag Yoongi out of the house

Yoongi decided not to ask and just follow the man back to his house.

When Mark open the door,everybody was already there sitting on the couch talking about something."Where's VIXX?"Mark ask.Yoongi just notice that there's some people whom he never met was there."They are out of Korea right now along with SEVENTEEN and MONSTA X."Jackson answer him.Mark nodded and close the door behind him putting the piece of paper on the table before sitting down next to Jackson.

Namjoon took the piece of paper and read it.His eyes widen when he realize who is it from."D-did Hoe-Taek give this to you?"Mark nodded."He instructed Yuto to give this to us."Mark explain.Namjoon read the words before putting it down and crossed his leg."...They are still mad about E'dawn huh?"The others stay silent.Even the new member could sense the heavy atmosphere.

"...What do we do? I mean...We don't know where he is either...But they keep insisting its us!"One of the man that the new member didn't know said."Calm down Baekhyun-hyung."Soobin said to him as he sat back down."...What should we do now? I don't want the new member to get involve with this but he said everyone...Who knows what will they do if we left the new member alone."

Namjoon sigh and lean back on the couch."Lets just sleep for tonight.I'll think of something.You guys can just sleep here tonight.The blanket is in that room."He pointed toward a room next to the kitchen.

They ended up sleeping on the living room with the others instead of their bedroom.

Okay.This chapter is done.Bye.Have a nice day

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