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"Joon~I made some cookies!"Jin shouted happily walking toward  living room."...Oh it looks delicous."Namjoon said looking at the cookies."Hey,whats up.You are behaving strangely.Tell your hyung right now."Jin said with a frowned."Well...Its just..."Jin raised his eyebrows looking at his best friend."Tell me right now Kim Namjoon."Jin said with a really serious tone.Namjoon gulped silently freaking out in his head.

"I...Don't think I deserve someone like you.Like...Your the most amazing friend anyone could ask for also,you are really kind too...I...Don't think you deserve to be with someone like me."The room is filled with heavy silent and Namjoon is so deep in thought that he didn't even noticed that some tears is escaping his eyes.Jin was silent too but then took a piece of tissue and handed it to Namjoon.

Namjoon was snapped out of his thought and asked Jin why is he giving the tissue to him."You are obviously crying Joon and no.You don't have to think like that.If anything,I am the one who should be saying that.All you did is protect me ever since my parents die.You never got tired of me at all.Since they die,Your been trying to be strong for both of us right? You are hurting inside yet trying to be strong for me and you.Now think about it,what happened if you never help me.I would be as good as dead right now."Jin smiled reassuringly at the younger.Namjoon couldn't keep his tears in anymore and cry his feeling out.

Jin hugged him comforting the younger.He is actually grateful that Namjoon cry in front of him releasing all of the pain he is holding.It was as if Namjoon has put on a mask to hide all of his pain.He hated it when Namjoon won't open up to him and keep answering his question with simply 'Nothing' or 'I'm fine'."Shh...Its okay.Your more like big brothers to me than I am to you..."Jin said trying to comfort him.Namjoon is still crying but he feel better than ever.

"I'm glad you decided to cry when you want to."

This is what I mentioned in the last chapter.Namjoon crying and all that sad stuff.😂😂😂

Scar (BTS superpower AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum