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I sat, leaning against the bathroom wall, with the orange bottle in my hand. Tears streamed down my face. I reached my shaky hand out and grabbed my phone. I opened Zachs contact. I typed my goodbye.

you: Zachary Dean Herron... you were there when no one else was. You were supportive of everything. You were the best boyfriend ever. You were perfect. I couldn't have asked for anyone better. I love you and the boys so so much. Please forget me and move on, I'm not worth it.
Love, Y/N

I hit send and sat my phone on the bathroom counter. I slowly took the white top off the orange bottle. I poured the majority of the pills in my hand. I swallowed them with a sip of water. Soon, everything got blurry. My head was pounding and I couldn't breathe. Than, everything went black. Goodbye world.

Zachs POV:
"Ugh screw you jack!" I said as I pushed him off the couch. "Ah what the fuck Zach?" Jack said standing up. "Stop beating me in fortnite! It's getting annoying!" I said.

"Not my fault you suck." He said laughing. The others boys cracked up. I stormed upstairs. I was already in a bad mood, pre-losing. Lately, y/n has been really distant.

What if she was cheating on me? What if she was going to leave me? What if-.

My thought were interrupted by my phone going off. It was from y/n. I read the text and immediately jumped up.

What could she possibly mean? Goodbye? Where was she going? I ran downstairs, tears threatening to fall. Clearly, the boys could tell.

"What's Wrong Zach?" Daniel asked.
"Dude it was just fortnite! No need to cry" jack said patting my shoulder. I shoved my phone is their faces. They read the text and their facial expressions immediately changed.

"What the actual fuck?" Jonah said.
"Oh my god!" Daniel said.
"Goodbye? What does that mean?" Jack asked.
"Shit!! Everyone car! Now!" Corbyn yelled running to the car. We all followed, assuming he knew something.

"Corbyn? What do you know?" Jonah asked as we piled into the car.
"She's gonna hurt herself" Corbyn responded.
"WHAT?!!" I yelled in shock.
"Corbyn! Explain now!" Jack yelled.

"About 2 months ago y/n came to me saying the hate was too much. She couldn't handle the hate she was getting because she was dating zach. She said she wanted to kill herself. She said she was going to the bridge at midnight that night. She asked me to tell you guys she loves you. And.. she asked me to not stop her..."Corbyn choked the words out.

Tears were streaming down my face. "I, Of course, went and stopped her. I got there just in time. She continued to talk to me. She cut herself every once in a while. But, I guess it got to be too much. She's gonna do it again." Corbyn finished, he was crying at this point.

We pulled up in front of her house. I, instantly, darted inside. I ran through every room, trying to find her. I entered her bathroom, to find a lifeless y/n laying on the ground. I sat down and pulled her onto my lap.

"CALL THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!!! NOW!" I yelled as loud as possible. I rocked her back and forth, in my arms. I knew it was too late, but I couldn't give up.

My tears soaked her clothes and mine. I hadn't been there when she needed me most. This was all my fault. She needed me and I wasn't there. Fuck me.

The boys ran into the bathroom. They all burst into tears, seeing her there, like this.

She was gone. She was really gone, forever.

(633 words)

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