Chapter 4: The Foretelling

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Cordelia laughed again. "It's fine, I'm not ashamed of telling you my age. And your highness, I'm a lot older than thirty. Trust me on that." she laughed then said, "I'm two hundred and thirty-three years old."

Alkanos's jaw dropped, but he didn't let Cordelia see it. He wanted to say that was old, but at the same time, he knew young dragons that were older than her. So he just managed "You look good for two hundred and thirty-three. That explains why you seem to regard my uncle as a whining child."

"He usually acts like that. I completely understand why your father didn't let him know the meeting was being held." Cordelia said.


The town they stopped at was of a middling size. The town had glazed tiled roofs and sandstone walls. Being close to the capital, the town could afford some luxuries that those in the capital city enjoyed, just only on a smaller scale.

The sun was still on the later half of its arch across the sky.  The road was dirt, with cobblestones leading away from the road, to the houses and shops. Not many people were out and about, that was good considering the circumstances.

"We'll leave the horse behind the building, and walk around to the front," Cordelia explained, "So the horse won't be spotted from the road."

Alkanos nodded.  Something feels off about this, can we really trust the oracle? My father had trusted this oracle, but then again he trusted the Court Magician. Look at how that turned out. Alkanos thought, keeping step with Cordelia.

They led the horse down an alley that ran between the building the oracle was in, and a tailor's shop. They dismounted and left the horse, and walked to the front of the building. There was an overhang above the doorway and three wooden steps that led up to the door.

Then Alkanos heard a faint buzzing sound.

Cordelia had heard the sound too, she looked around, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.

The buzzing sound grew closer and louder and it was moving faster.

Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw a loosed arrow. Alkanos grabbed Cordelia by her scarf and yanked her to the side. The arrow hit the overhang post she had just been at, with a solid thunk!

"Assassins!" Cordelia growled, "Get inside, quickly." She drew two knives from somewhere up a sleeve and stood in front of Alkanos, her back to him, so he could get the door open.

Alkanos knocked using the full force of his hand. The door was thick and solid. "Open up!" he growled, smacking the door three times again for good measure. "Come on!"

An arrow was released this time, it pelted straight at Alkanos. This time Cordelia was ready, she swung, batting away the arrow with the flat of her blade.

Alkanos inhaled sharply, ready to attempt melting the lock. But, that didn't guarantee that a deadbolt wasn't barring their way.

That was when the oracle opened the door. "What's going on out-" her eyes widened, she then urged Cordelia and Alknaos into the building, barring the door behind them.


Once it was safe, The Oracle lit a lantern with a pale white cover. Cordelia resheathed her knives and brought out her wallet." I apologize for the ruckus on your doorstep, but it is of the utmost importance that we see you." Cordelia said, removing her hood.

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