"Jungkook. I need"  Taehyung sucked in a breath of air, obviously tired "I need Jungkook" 

Namjoon was startled for a moment. Taehyung didn't exactly seem to be talking to him, more like to himself, but he hadn't fallen prey to his thoughts, so at least there was one positive. 

"H-hyung how do I get to Jungkook? I need his help. H-how-how do I get to him, please hyung" 

The desperation was evidently clear, ringing through the receiver and striking Namjoon straight in the heart. This was a bad one. Whatever had happened in the short time Taehyung had been gone had been enough to reduce the 17 year old to a stuttering, hyperventilating mess. But there was recklessness thrown in the mix too; Taehyung knew not to wander from his basic bearings, the blonde being problematically directionally challenged he got lost. Easily. Yet, here he was, running through the streets with no sense of direction or knowledge of where he was heading, and it had dawned on the younger during the call, just how lost he was. 

"Tae, calm down. It's ok. I'll get you to Jungkook, just try to tell me where you are, and I'll tell you where to go, ok? You can do that for me, right?" 

He was coddling, gentle, trying to ease his way past the howling wind and increasing cry of thunder in the sky. Taehyung took one shaky breath, taking timid, tiny steps down the sidewalk. His eyes were flitting chaotically around the street, completely tense and alert to any form of danger. The chill of night was nipping at his skin and his limp was more prominent after the extensive running, paining him. 

"I-I can't read the road sign, it's too dark. But, I think I see the ice cream shop around the corner" 

Taehyung's voice was small, scared, and still as labored as before, but Namjoon could tell he was trying his very hardest to hold it together for his hyung. Namjoon let out a silent breath of relief, realizing Taehyung wasn't terribly far from Jungkook's, thinking perhaps his feet had carried him there out of instinct.  

"Ok, ok that's good. You're really close. He's two blocks down from the street across the ice cream parlor. 15th floor, room 504." 

There was another pause, Namjoon thought he could hear Taehyung whipping his head around, looking for the correct direction by the sound of his collar scraping against his shirt as he turned. Namjoon tried to swallow the lump in his throat. 

"Taehyung. I need you to promise me you'll be careful. I need to know you're ok" 

Taehyung didn't answer for a long time. Namjoon could hear his footsteps quick and sloppy on the concrete. The whimpers the young boy let out occasionally told him his limp was acting up. 

"I'm-I'm ok, hyung. I'll be ok, I promise. I'll be ok" 

Namjoon didn't get to say anything else, the line had gone dead. 

And Namjoon was left with his own overwhelming worries and fear for the sake of the boy he had raised for last 5 years. 


Jungkook had just gotten out of the shower, his muscles being stiff from the long day at work had been practically begging for some sort of relaxant to soothe the ache and the warm shower water did just the trick. 

It was nearly nine when Jungkook stood in front of his bathroom mirror, towel drying his hair, water droplets were making their way down the back of his neck as his upper body as water droplets glistened before disappearing under his black sweatpants. 

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Where stories live. Discover now