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♕Concurrently: Central Kingdom♕

Taehyung opens the door to his older brothers bedroom, walking across the room to Jin's bedside and leans over, closer to him.

"Hyung. Hyung, it's time for breakfast." Taehyung whispers into Jin's ear. Jin groans, rolls over and covers his face with his pillow. "Come on. I'm bored." Taehyung whispers, whining. Jin rolls into his back, staring up at the ceiling. "Tae. What time is it?" Jin asks looking over at Taehyung. Taehyung pulls his phone out of his pocket. "It's almost eight, why?" Taehyung asks with a pout.

"No reason. I need to sleep a little longer. But we're supposed to start heading to the Garnet kingdom for the 'wedding' tomorrow." Jin says trying to sit up. Taehyung watches Jin struggle to stand on his feet. "You look terrible, you, the worldwide handsome prince, look terrible. Did you stay up all night? Maybe you should just lay in bed till it's actually time to go. I can have Elena bring you something to eat." Taehyung says scratching the back of his head.

Jin stumbles, falling against one of the closest columns, at the foot of his bed. Taehyung jumps up to help steady Jin. "Oh no. You need to rest. If we need you tomorrow, you'll be useless. If you don't rest, you won't be able to help at all." Taehyung says as he studies Jin's face. Jin looks up, with tired eyes.

"Okay. I'll rest some more, will you ask Elena to come in. I'll need to bathe, before we set off." Jin says weakly. Taehyung hums while he helps Jin back into bed, pulling the sheets and comforter over his body. "I will. You relax till she comes." Taehyung says before he runs out of the room.

When Jin wakes up he's in a warm bath, milky water, topped with lavender colored bubbles, the smell of vanilla and lavender floating through the air. "Wha- Tae?" Jin whispers looking up at Taehyung. Taehyung gently washes Jin's arm, then slowly lowers it back into the water. "Keep resting hyung. I don't know what's wrong with you, but you didn't wake up once. I'm just making sure your clean. After your bath, Elena brought you something to eat." Taehyung says as he stands up.

Taehyung walks over to a set of towels and dries off his hands. "I washed your body while you slept. It's almost noon." Taehyung says as he turns back to his brother. "I was gonna get in with you, but I already took a shower." Taehyung says with his signature, boxy smile. Jin smiles weakly. "Thank you Taetae. I'll get out after a few more minutes." Jin says moving his hand through the water. "

"Okay. I'll wait in your room. Here are some towels and your robe is on the hook." Taehyung says before he leaves the room, closing the door gently behind him. Jin lays in the warmth of the water, his eyes start getting heavy again though and soon enough, he falls asleep.

When Jin's eyes flutter open again he's laying in his room. Jin knew Taehyung must have gotten him out of the bath, gotten him dressed in comfortable sweatpants and a hoodie. Jin knows why he's tired. Jin worked hard all night, harder than he probably should have, stayed up all night and now he's exhausted. Taehyung doesn't know that, no one would.

"We're heading to the Garnet kingdom in an hour. You still need to eat." Taehyung says from beside Jin. The older prince jumps, Jin turns his head and is met with his younger brothers eyes. "Why are you in my bed?" Jin asks with a pout. Taehyung wraps his arms and legs around his older brother, burying his face in Jin's chest, is something he's done since they were much younger. "I'm worried about you. You're so out of it. What if we get to Garnet kingdom and we need to fight? Or you need to use your gift? You can't do anything right now." Taehyung says, his voice muffled by the fabric of Jin's shirt.

Jin smiles, than kisses the crown of Taehyung's head. "You're so cute. I'll be fine. Once we set off, I can rest more. I'll help, don't worry, okay? Joonie hyung has a plan and as long as we follow it, we'll be fine." Jin says with his eyes closed. Taehyung hums. "If we all do our parts." Taehyung says looking up, at his, now, sleeping brothers face.

Taehyung carefully pulls out his phone, trying not to wake his brother again and looks at the screen. "Jiminie and Kookie aren't answering their phones, they have less time to travel, but they still have to go soon." Taehyung says with a pout.

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