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Christopher hums, having heard to Hoseok had said, but ignoring it. Hoseok sat opposite Christopher. "How long do I have to stay here? In this room?" Hoseok asks looking around the nearly bare room, before staring at the king. "Until you love me, the way I love you." Christopher says taking a piece of fruit from the variety of fruit on the table.

"I'll never love you. You drugged me, twice! Kidnapped me, killed several people from the domain to get past the checkpoint, my personal- Now you continue to drug me and keep me silent when your gone. I will never. Love. You." Hoseok says looking at the king in disgust.

Christopher wipes his mouth with one of the cloth napkins and smiles. "I have a good friend coming to see you soon." Christopher says smiling at the thought. "I don't care." Hoseok says crossing his arms. "This good friend of mine has one of my favorite gifts." Christopher says with a grin. "A royal? What gift is that?" Hoseok asks with his eyebrows furrowed. "The gift of manipulation." Christopher says before taking a piece of bacon from a tray of various cooked meat.

Hoseok looks shocked, why would another royal help him? "Who is it? What kingdom do they belong to?" Hoseok asks with a pout. Christopher just looks at the prince, he thinks his Hobi is so cute and smiles.

"From this kingdom, of course." Christopher says with a smile. "What? Aren't you an only child?" Hoseok asks tilting his head. "My half sister. She's a bastard child. An embarrassment really. Only myself and a few of my personal staff know of her existence. Soon you will too." Christopher says with a smirk.

Hoseok looks down, thinking. "Don't worry baby boy. It won't hurt. She's very good with her gift. I've had her practice with her it, quite often on staff actually." Christopher says with a nod. "Which of your parents had the affair?" Hoseok asks watching Christopher stand up and straighten his jacket.

"Hm? My father slept with the house pastry chef at the time. My sister now works in the kitchen and no one knows she's half royal. It's fun watching her be normal, cute. She actually thinks she's special, because she has this secret gift. When in fact she's merely a whores daughter." Christopher says nonchalantly. Hoseok's eyes widen a bit "How can he speak about his sister like this?" Hoseok thinks, watching the king. "She was an orphan for the longest time." Christopher says running his hands through his hair.

"What?" Hoseok asks tilting his head. "My father found out his mistress was pregnant and hid her. He let her give birth and everything, kept her a secret, but my mother? She found her and had the whore sentenced to death. My mother was at least merciful enough to have the girl separated early. Right after birth, from her mother, so she wouldn't remember her mother was whore. The girl was placed in an orphanage right out of the hospital. When the girl turned thirteen however, my father finally found her and had the new pastry chef hire her as an apprentice, ultimately adopting her from the orphanage. Our pasty chef raised her as his daughter, the girl not knowing who she was, she hasn't been without and hasn't felt any burden." Christopher says with a nod.

"Your mother doesn't sound very nice." Hoseok mumbles. "Of course she was very nice! I loved her!" Christopher says with a pout. "Oh.. I'm sorry. Did she pass away?" Hoseok asks looking down at his hands with tears in his eyes.

Christopher kneels down beside Hoseok, looking up into his eyes. "Awe baby. You're so cute and sweet. No, she didn't pass away." Christopher says with a sad smile. Hoseok's eyes widen a bit. "Than what happened?" Hoseok whispers. Christopher coos at his Hobi's adorableness, than lifts his chin the slightest. "I killed her." Christopher says matter of factly.

Hoseok pulls away from Christopher with a gasp. "At least I think I did. When I was seventeen I had a big crush on this beautiful girl. So pretty. Pretty like you baby. I thought she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen." Christopher says with a nod, eyes wondering around the room as he thought of the memory. Hoseok looks at the king, worried. "I took the girl flowers every day and told her she was beautiful. I confessed and asked her to be my girlfriend." Christopher says with a smile, slowly nodding.

"Without knowing any better, I fell in love with the pastry chef's daughter." Christopher says with a sad smile.

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