Is It Too Late?

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To apologize.

There is was, the wormhole. Jon took one last glance at his grandfather before he took the step through.

Seven years. It had been seven years since he had been gone...

He missed his mom... his dad... and especially, Damian Wayne.

When he returned home he got an earful from his mother and a strong hug from his father. Yes I know he was only gone a few weeks in the comics but shaddup I like the angst

He sucked in a breath as he knocked on the Wayne Manor door. He was so nervous.

Alfred opened the door and recognition flashed in his eyes, "Jonathan. It's been a long time." He spoke.

"Yes... it has," Jon gave a friendly smile, "is he here? Damian I mean.."

"He is, but he is not like you remember... well maybe." Alfred motioned for the boy to come inside, "he's twenty now, you're seventeen."

"Uhm, I know, but why are you reminding me?" Jon asked curiously.

"I'm old not a fool." Alfred bowed before he left Jon to it.

Jon walked up the familiar stairs and to the familiar bedroom door. He knocked three times.

Slowly, but surely, the door opened.

Jon felt his heart skip a beat as he saw his old partner, his best friend, standing before him.

He really didn't change physically all that much, he grew a couple inches but was still shorter than Tim, his frame was slender and toned from the martial arts workout which didn't require large muscles, and his eyes... they flashed green with anger and confusion and hurt.

"Hi Dami..."


Damian eyed Jon up and down. Jon definitely changed. He was taller, had large muscles but in a fit way not a gross body builder way, and his face filled out nicely.

"It's been a while... I've missed you..."

Damian's hand gripped the door, "Jon, I can't... I can't do this right now..."

"What do you mean? It's been seven years..." Jon whispered.

"Do you know what your disappearance has done to me?" Damian flared, "for three years I had been searching all over for you. No one told me you were in space with you grandfather, not until the third year. After I found out I gave up being Robin. I gave up the hero life... I'm only being myself now. I have to take my life into my hands and I can't let every person that needs help to get in my way."

Jon frowned, "you mean you're-"

"Yeah, I'm only Damian Wayne. That's it. I'm done with all of it." Damian turned away, "I suggest you leave, I have a date."

A date...?

"With Who?"

"I don't know why you'd care, besides, you left before he even came around. His name is Billy, now please leave..."

Jon gave a look to Damian and felt his heart crumble. It was his fault. If only he hadn't left... he could have been the one to have Damian by his side... if only he weren't a fool...

He left. He went home and started to make a plan for himself now that he was back on earth...

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