Falling For Who? Chapter 10

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Thanksgiving dinner was by the fire place this year.

It was so cold, even with the heat on.

Zane barely ate. Meaning he did eat, but not much.

My dad and I were working on thirds while my mom got the desserts out and Zane sat there.

He stared at the fire, deep in thought.

"So, Zane, Mrs. Tyler is coming on Monday," my dad said.

"I know," he said smiling slightly.

"We really like having you hear, son, but whatever you choice we want you to be happy,"

"But we really want you to stay," my mom smiling.

Zane smiled at my parents. "Thanks,"

Thanksgiving dinner ended with How The Gingrich Stole Christmas.

Zane sat next to me, making me feel awkward.

The movie ended and we all got ready for bed.

I took a hot shower and quickly got dressed and warm clothes.

Zane left the room as soon as I waked in and headed to the shower.

I sighed and crawled in m bed.

I wrapped my warm blankets around me and drifted to sleep.


The hollowing of the wind and a sudden chill woke me up.

I looked over at the window and saw Zane on his bed and closing the window.

"You were out there?"

"Again?" he sighed. "I got over heated so I opened the window,"

"Why's your hair wet?" I asked.

"I took a shower," he said. "Let it go,"


"I can't wait to be far away from you,"

Ouch! That hurt.

"Same here," I muttered going back to bed.


The blizzard was over but school was still closed.

The snow was to high for anyone to go anywhere.

It was Monday and Mrs. Tyler was going to call instead of coming over.

I didn't want to be around for when Tyler said that he want to leave.

I told my mom that Liz and I had plans.

She let me go and I headed to the park.

I pulled on my ice skates and skated on the frozen pond.

My mom taught my how to ice skate and I've loved it even since.

I did little jumps and spins on the ice.

I thought about Zane and how the meeting was going.

He probably was packing up now and my mom was probably in tears, with my dad hugging her.

Mrs. Tyler probably sent someone to pick him up.

I couldn't help but shad a tears.

I didn't want Zane to leave. I had to stop him.

I took off my skates and hurried home as fast as I could.

I opened the front door and saw no one.

Was I too late?

"Hello?" I called.

My mom and Zane came out of the kitchen.

"He's staying," she smiled.

I looked over at Zane and he smiled at me.

I ran over to him and gave him a hug.

"Why the change in heart?" I whispered in his ear.

"I couldn't live without you guys or with out you,"



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