Episode Two❃Chapter 2: Some Heavy Shit with a Side of Drunk Nostalgia

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"Hello Mrs. Lee, I'm Agent Grant and this is my partner Agent Morris. We would like to ask you some questions about your daughter's disappearance." Virigl said to the woman standing in the doorway.

Her eyes glazed over and she nodded "Sure, come in, please." She said softly, waving the boys into the house.

The boys followed her into the living room and sat down on the pale green couch. The room radiated a calming energy, from the pastel watercolor landscapes hanging on the wall to the light coffee colored walls.

Virgil let the peace wash over him and got ready for the task ahead.

"I don't understand...the police said there are no more leads..." Mrs. Lee said. The pain in her eyes was clear, and it made Virgil's heart hurt.

She was going through something similar to him.

But there was something else concealed.


This woman was hopeful. She knew her daughter was still out there somewhere.

Unlike Virgil, who knew what he lost was never coming back.

"Mrs. Lee, what do you remember about the day your daughter disappeared?" Roman asked.

The woman took in a shaky breath "Please, call me Jane. And that day...oh it was horrible."

The boys shared a looked.

"Could you please elaborate?" Virgil said.

Jane nodded "Well, Holly had been acting strange. For weeks she would barely leave her room. She cut off all her friends and...and she ignored me. No matter what I said or threated or begged. It was like I wasn't even there."

Virgil raised his eyebrow at Roman and he shrugged slightly.

"Jane, did Holly have a history with mental health problems?" Virgil asked as he leaned forward slightly.

"No! She was a happy and positive girl. She loved her friends and her family. Her behavior before she disappeared was so odd. It was like something was controlling her. Whatever it was, I know it wasn't my Holly."

"Well Jane, thank you for your time. You can be sure that we will do everything in our power to find your daughter." Roman said, rising to his feet.

Virgil followed, the woman's words replying over and over.

'It was like something was controlling her.'

"We should call Bobby," Virgil said as soon as they got into the Impala.

"I was thinking the same thing. We could use some extra help." Roman agreed.


Once they got back to the motel, Roman dialed Bobby's phone number. As Roman gave the man a quick review of what was happening, Virgil got himself a soda.

Bobby Singer was a friend of Dad's. He had practically helped raise them. From a safe place to sleep to an extra helping hand, Bobby had never let the Winchesters down.

"She said that 'it was like something was controlling her.' Do you have any ideas about what they could be?" Roman asked.

There was silence on their side as Bobby chattered away.

"A demon? Do you really think....okay okay. Yeah, I guess we can check for that." Roman said into the phone.

Hearing only one side of the conversation was frustrating and Virgil shot Roman an agitated look.

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