Episode One✧Chapter One: Bitter Beginnings

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If you are looking for a story filled with happy moments and little to no misfortune as a way to escape the harsh ways of reality then, dear reader, I suggest you close this web page and look somewhere else. This narration is filled with nothing but suffering and anguish from the beginning, with slightly cheerful events sprinkled throughout.

So, dear reader, if you are still captivated by this idea, continue ahead.

But don't say I didn't warn you.


November 2, 1996

The TV played softly in the background as the Winchester household settled down for the night. A young boy around four made his way downstairs, a high pitched laugh escaping his lips.

"Roman, don't make me come down there!" A voice called from the upper landing. Though the command was firm, a smile was still heard.

The young boy, Roman, giggled again "Come catch me, daddy!"

There was another laugh then footsteps down the stairs. Before he could try and hide, Roman was being swept off his feet and into the arms of his father. "Got you! Now let's go brush those chompers!"

Once Roman was tucked safely into bed, his mother opened his door and peeked in. "Goodnight sweetie" She whispered, blowing a kiss.

"Goodnight mommy," Roman whispered back, reaching his hand out to catch the kiss. As the door slowly closed, Roman sat up, "Mommy?" He called.

The door swung back open "Yes sweetheart?"

"I didn't get to kiss Virgil goodnight."

His mother laughed, the sound like honey. Sweet and golden "Of course Ro, come on."

Swinging his feet over the edge of his bed, Roman dashed over to his mother and took her hand in his. She gently rubbed her thumb over the top of his hand.

Virgil, a baby of just 6 months, laid in his crib, not quite sleeping. When they reached the crib side, Roman was lifted up and smiled at Virgil. "Goodnight Virge!" He said as he kissed his fingertips and gently touched them to Virgil's forehead.

"Mary, where did you put the-" Roman's father started before smiling at the scene in front of him

"Shhh, John. Ro wanted to say goodnight to Virgil."

Roman turned away from the baby and wrapped his arms around his mother, resting his head on her shoulder. The smell of her vanilla perfume was welcoming and Roman's eyes fluttered.

"Let's go tuck you back in sweetheart," Mary said softly.

Both of his parents tucked him back in.

"Goodnight Ro," John said as he took Mary's hand, shutting the door halfway as they walked out.


Dear reader, it is still possible to exit this story and live believing that these boys and their parents lived peaceful and happy lives.

If you wish to taint that image, continue to read forth.


The clock in the kitchen ticked as the hours went by. Everything was quiet and typical.

But this night was anything but.

As the clock hands hit midnight, it stopped. Without the constant ticking, the house quickly fell into an uneasy silence.

Upstairs, Mary was unaware of this strange turn of events.

A thump from the other room would have gone unnoticed as well if it hadn't been for the panicked cries of the baby.

"John," Mary grumbled, "It's your turn to check on him."

There was no response. Sighing, Mary threw the covers off of her and made her way across the hall.

She opened the door and saw John standing over the crib "What's his problem, John?" She asked only to get shushed.

"Whatever," She mumbled, walking back to the bedroom. She would have gone right back to sleep if the sound of the TV downstairs hadn't caught her attention.

Fully alert, she slowly walked down the stairs. Laying in his chair in front of the TV was John, fast asleep.

Cold terror crept up Mary's spine.

"Virgil..." She said, racing up the stairs. "I'm coming baby!"

She flung the door open, banging it against the wall.

The figure standing over the crib turned to her.

Everything about it was human, aside from the glowing yellow eyes. "Leave him alone, you bitch," She growled, about to lunge forward.

The creature laughed and with a flick of its hand, Mary was pushed back into the wall.

She screamed as the wind was knocked out of her and she was slowly dragged up to the ceiling.

The creature laughed before snapping its fingers and disappeared. Mary's heart was racing, but at least the creature was gone.

As she struggled to get down, she took a deep breath. The bitter smell of burning paint filled her nose, and she knew her fate was sealed.

"Take care of them, John." She sobbed as the ceiling went up in flames, engulfing her.


Downstairs, the sound of Mary's bloodcurdling scream woke John. Getting up the stairs faster than he ever thought was possible, he saw the smoke coming from Virgil's room.

"Mary!" He yelled, dashing into the room. He quickly made his way to the fear-ridden baby and took him in his arms. Looking down at the crib, he noticed two drops of ruby red.


He slowly looked up and words cannot describe the pure sadness and horror that filled his heart.

His beloved Mary was on the ceiling, a fire roaring around her.


"Daddy, what's wrong?" Roman said, standing in the doorway, his eyes soon landing on the ceiling.


Moving swiftly, John placed a crying Virgil in Roman's arms "Take your brother outside, and don't look back! Go!"

He pushed his sons out of the room and Roman raced down the stairs, holding onto Virgil will all his might.

Once outside in the front yard, he stopped. His young face was stained with tears and soot.

He looked up to Virgil's bedroom window and saw the endless flames.

"Mom! Dad!" He screamed.

Suddenly, strong arms lifted both him and Virgil up, fleeing the scene just as the house fully surrendered to the fire.

The police and firemen quickly arrived but they had no explanation on how the fire started.

Mary's remains were never found.

As he sat in an ambulance with his two scared, confused sons on his lap, John Winchester made a promise.

An oath.

He would hunt down and kill whatever evil son of a bitch took his Mary away from him.

And he would stop at nothing until it was sent straight to Hell where it belonged.


Look at me, back at it again with another story! This one feels like it's gonna go somewhere though!

As said before, this is heavily based off of the CW TV show Supernatural.

A comment on my Instagram proposed this idea and I loved it so much, I decided to write it!

So if you a part of the SPN Family or a Fander, or both, I hope you enjoy the story!

Now, why don't we hunt down some evil sons of bitches and we raise a little hell? ;)


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