Episode One✧Chapter 7: A Jolly Good Time, Indeed

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"That's the last thing I remember," Amy said as she fiddled with the straw in her glass of water.

"Let me get this straight, you were on the phone with him and then he just, hung up?" Virgil asked.

This really was a bust.

"Yeah...but...there is this story." Amy started before looking at her friend.

The other girl sighed "Fine. There's this story of a ghost who haunted the highway as a hitchhiker. It says that anyone who picks her up is doomed to die. That's what we think happened."

Virgil looked at Roman, who looked slightly surprised.

Maybe there was something here after all.

"Is that all you girls know about this?" Roman said, ignoring the food that a waitress was setting on the table.

Amy nodded "Yes. I wish people would believe us, I mean, they have on other clues! This makes the most amount of sense!"

Virgil gave her a sad smile "I think you girls should go home and rest. The police won't stop their search and we're about to go and look too. Don't put yourselves in unnecessary danger."

"But the posters-"

"Amy, I'll hang the rest of them. You haven't slept all night, you really should go home," Her friend said. She smiled at Roman.

"Thank you for lunch, I'll make sure she gets home." She added.

Both boys nodded and Roman dropped the money on the table before following Virgil out of the diner.

"Alright, so we've got an angry spirit on our hands?" Roman said once they were seated in the car.

"Seems so, but how could a simple ghost outsmart dad?" Virgil asked.

"I don't know. We'll go investigate tonight once the police clear out of there." Roman said, driving back to the motel.

Both boys decided to grab a couple of extra hours of sleep and set alarms for 11 pm.


The loud ringing of the alarm woke the brothers and they groggily made their way out to the car.

"Sleeping was a bad idea, I feel more tired than before," Roman said as he yawned.

"Dude, you're driving. I really don't like hearing how tired you are when my life is in your hands." Virgil said, shaking his head.

The car pulled onto the deserted bridge.

The chilly wind was blowing strongly causing the water below them to ripple violently.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Virgil asked, pulling his jacket closed as they walked further down the bridge.

Roman shrugged "The classic signs. Maybe some EFM readings? I honestly don't know...Dad's usually the one who looks for this stuff..."

"Roman, what are we doing?" Virgil asked, stopping.

Roman raised an eyebrow "Virge, we went over this. We're trying to find signs of this ghost."

Virgil sighed "No, I mean...what are we doing still hunting? Like...do you think mom would have wanted this for us?"

"What are you getting at?" Roman asked, already knowing what point Virgil was trying to make.

"Spit it out," Roman added

"Just think about it, we're looking for dad, great! But when we find him, do you really think he's gonna want to see me? He's not! Don't you remember? Once he found out I wanted to go to school he kicked me out. He told me if I left to never come back!"

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