Episode One✧Chapter 9: One Dead Ghost and of Course Another Death Threat

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"A weeping woman, huh?" Roman said, "Didn't see that coming."

Virgil shrugged "Yeah. Her husband said she is buried behind their old house."

"You know what that means," Roman said, smiling.

"Yeah, I know."

"Come on Virgie! Sayyyy it!" Roman whined, dragging out the 'y'.

Virgil rolled his eyes "Fine. Salt 'N Burn!"

Roman laughed "Ah ha! Yes!"

Virgil felt a smile creep onto his face. It was times like this that he missed.

They continued their drive to the house that was listed in the article. Virgil sped up slightly, just wanting to be finished with this case.

His eyes began to wander to the radio and when he looked back up at the road, his heart stopped.

A woman was standing several feet from the car, right in the middle of the road.

"Virgil!" Roman shouted but it was too late to even bother slowing down.

Virgil hit the woman full on and both boys looking at each other, wide filled with horror.

"I can never go home."

They both cranked their necks toward the backseat and the woman was sitting there, completely unharmed.

Well, aside from the fact that she's dead.

Roman gripped Virgil's shoulder, "Drive!" he hissed, pulling a knife out of the glove box and pointed it at the ghost.

The younger boy pushed the gas pedal further into the ground.

The woman sat quietly in the back of the car, unphased by Roman's knife. She just looked at the two brothers with sorrow.

Virgil jerked the steering wheel and the hit the brakes, making the car skid to a stop. Roman was about to freak out but he looked out the windshield and saw a creepy house.

Why is it always a creepy house? Why not a cute little cottage?

Roman returned his attention to the back seat on to find it empty.

"Virgil...." He started before the passenger door swung open and he was flung onto the gravel driveway.

The wind was knocked right out of his lungs and he clawed at the ground, trying to regain himself.

Virgil, on the other hand, was pressed to the driver's seat with the woman next to him.

"I can never go home," She whispered into his ear, sitting on his lap.

Virgil shot her any angry smile "You can't kill me... I'm not unfaithful," He snarled.

The ghost bit her lip "Not yet," she whispered as he cold hands ran down Virgil's chest. She slammed her lips into his, and he used all his power to try and shove her off.

The sound of a gunshot rang in Virgil's ears and suddenly the pressure was lifted off of Virgil's chest. 

The ghost was gone. For now, anyway.

Roman was standing right outside the open passenger door, shotgun in hand.

Virgil looked behind him and saw the ghost start to materialize. The panic of a painful death made a crazy notion pop into his head.

"Guess what, you son of a bitch. I'm taking you home." Virgil snarled, slamming the gas pedal with his foot.

"Virgil!" Roman yelled as he helplessly watched the car shoot towards the house. The sound of wood snapping, glass breaking, and brakes searching erupted. Roman bolted towards the house, or what was left.

The Impala had broken a massive hole through the front wall.

Was this Virgil's idea of a plan?

Roman glanced at the car. It appeared to be fine.

But Virgil was a different story. He was slouched against the driver's side door, a spot of blood on the right side of his head.

"Virgil!" Roman shouted as he dashed towards the car.

A high-pitched scream echoed through the house, causing Roman to clasp his hands over his ears and fall to his knees. The noise caused Virigl to stir.

Roman's eyes darted around, trying to find the source of the screeching. The ghost of the woman stood at the bottom of the old staircase.

"I cannot be home." She wailed, looking up towards the top of the stairs.

Roman followed her gaze and saw the spirits of two young children, no older than 10.

Her children.

Suddenly it dawned on Roman. This was how to defeat her. She has to face her kids.

He got to his feet and glared at the spirit

"Face them, you bitch."

As soon as he said that, the children appeared next to their mother and with another deafening scream, all three ghosts disappeared.

"What the hell?" Virgil said, sitting up.

Roman raced to his side "Virgil! How did you know facing her kids would kill her?"

Virigl shrugged "Lucky guess?"

Roman shook his head and laughed.

"Good job, V."

"Anytime Ro."

"Oh, but one thing. If I find a scratch on my car, I'll kill you with my bare hands."


"You...you shot the ghost?" Virgil asked as the boys drove away from the town they had wreaked havoc in for the last week.

"She was about to kill you!" Roman protested.

"True. But I still can't believe you shot a ghost."

"I shot it will a shotgun bullet filled with rock salt! So it was even better than just throwing salt."

Virgil nodded "True. Maybe we should use them more often."

They drove in silence for a little bit before Virgil decided to check the GPS.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Roman, you took like, 6 wrong turns."

"What are you talking about, V? Where's the GPS set to?"

When Virigl didn't answer, Roman turned to look at him


The younger boy sighed "Fine! I set it for Standford."

Roman raised an eyebrow in confusion "Isn't that your-"

"Yes, it's my school. You promised you'd bring me back when we were done."

"Yeah, done with finding dad!"

Virgil pointed towards the back seat "You have his journal! That's a damn good lead!"

"Virgil, we make a crazy good team. Without you, I'd be dead by now!" Roman huffed.

"I know, but Roman. But I can't stay. I have a life. I have Justin! I just...I at least need to go back for a little bit."



"Virgil shut it."

Virgil grumbled and laid back against the seat.

Just another wonderful car ride, like he hadn't had enough of these already.


An action-packed chapter, whoop whoop!

And most of it was happy, yay!

This is me trying to apologize for the next chapter, which will most likely rip your heart out and stomp it into the ground :)

So thanks for reading! And I hope your heart and withstand the next chapter!


☆○o Supernatural ; a sanders sides AU☆○o || teenagememer||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat