You Saved Me Chapter 11

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Hi guys, so my Guinea pig died :( So I am gonna write my little heart out just for him. He had a bladder stone and he was 3 years old. Okay going to write now here goes-

After Eleanor and I's mini silent conversation Danielle woke up, followed by Hannah, who was followed by Perrie. It wasn't as early anymore and Paul would be getting up soon. So the girls and I took showered and got ourselves ready. I hadn't been on twitter in days, there was a reason I just couldn't find it yet. I guess twitter was just overwhelming all the fans either saying they loved me so much or wanted to kill me, it could really get to your head if you looked at it to much.

We looked pretty, make up done and cute clothes on. Cute just like always. The boys got "groomed" and smiled when they saw us.

"Cute" Harry said looking at the semi reveling top, Perrie had made me wear it. I didn't want to, I was actually just fine going in sweats, but that would be the WRONG thing to say to Perrie.

"Thanks Harry" I said while he was turned around so Lou could finish his hair, or "grooming" him.

The girls and I waited while the boys got ready to go. It was a little backwards, but oh well.

Once the boys were ready we left to go the arena. In the limo, just on time, the boys drank there water and jumped around to get ready. The girls sat in the same little room, and Paul went right next to the stage. It was just like always.

Afterwards, we were rushed back to the hotel for one more night before we left tomorrow morning. But the boys got bored just sitting around. Paul was asleep, so the boys and girls went on a mission. Clubbing.

Niall drank to much, Liam not enough, Louis just enough. Harry was scolded by me the whole night for meeting (and flirting with) to many girls. Zayn wouldn't dance, but Perrie made him. The night went great. Paul never knew a thing.

We were stupid children. Why did we think we could party, get drunk and not have a hangover the next morning. Even Liam did, even though he hadn't had more than a few beers, it had been enough to tagger him into drunk mode. Niall was the worst by far, he didn't even open his eyes.

And Paul was very pissed.

We packed our stuff up and got right back on the road. Paul didn't want to talk to us, he said we gave him gray hairs, I wouldn't blame him. We were bad children.

We drove to Wisconsin, quietly. Well most of the time, but since Harry is so ungraceful he broke 3 glasses while trying to make a few drinks.

12 hours later we arrived in Wisconsin. Let me say, it wasn't much better than Nebraska. Rainy and cold, but not the fans, they were bright and warm. They were also crazy, they surround our entire hotel. The hotel managers had to come out and clear a path, but they still tried to kidnap the boys and do who knows what to them. Wisconsin was going to be interesting. We even saw a girl who held a sign that said "HARRY HARRY PLEASE RAPE ME" What? They were flashed and what not, Harry got a few extra condoms and tampons, Louis carrot supply was full for life, a girl threw a mirror a Zayn, Niall was hit with teddy bears and someone threw a fork at Liam.

We made inside while the fans continued their rant outside. We were on floor 12. Great. That should make it easy to run from fans. Our room was gorgeous. Like fancy, chocolates on the pillows type room. Management let everyone share a few rooms and pick their sleeping arrangements. Lucky us.

Me and Harry shared a queen size bed in a room with Louis and Eleanor and Niall and Hannah next door. Harry flopped down on the bed with me next to him. I fit right in his arms perfectly, like it was meant to be, and I felt like it was. He gave me a hug while we laid on the bed. Louis and Eleanor had gone out shopping with Paul. My phone rang though.

"Hello?" I answered

"Kass. Hi, how you doing?" MY DAD! He hadn't been able to call for a while and I was missing him like crazy. I gave Harry the "i gotta take this" face and he stood up and walked into the bathroom. I talked to my dad about Taylor. He totally understood how we felt. I told him about the girls and I and how we had SO many pictures to show him when he got back, and he had to meet Harry and the other guys soon and how much I missed him. He said he was going to come back at his regular time again! So we didn't have to wait two more extra months! The news made me feel like a new person. I would have my dad soon <3

We hung up and I looked at Harry who had come out of the bathroom a while ago and was smiling at me. I hopped on to the bed and started to jump up and down on him. He screamed and stood up trying to tackle me down. We stood there jumping and laughing with each other, I was happier than I had been in a while and I didn't want it to end.

Louis and Eleanor came back very excited.

"Eleanor show them what we got" Louis proudly told Eleanor. She looked into the bag and pulled out matching girl/boy cola pajamas. Louis stood up and took his from her then ran into the bathroom. Eleanor was laughing at him. He came out 3 minutes later in a cola top and bottoms then Eleanor went in and came out with the matching ones on. They stood in the hallway and took a picture.

We fell asleep looking at Louis and Eleanor's pajamas.

"We should get something like that" Harry whispered in my ear after it got late and we were laying up together.

I giggled "yes we should, but we have to find the right thing first" I whispered back.

He stroked my hair as I fell asleep in his arms, my special place.

I woke up at 4 am, to the sound of my phone ringing. Its was Taylor's mom.

When I saw it my heart ached. I knew. I knew. I knew.

"Hello" I answered the phone tears coming to my eyes.

"Kass, shes gone" Her mom told me, she had been crying a lot, you could tell just from her voice.

Tears rolled down my face faster than I had ever seen tears go. I didn't know what to say. If it was this hard for me, I cant image what her mother must feel like.

"I am so sorry" I said while sobbing into the phone. Harry's eyes blinked open and looked up at me crying on the phone. I think inside he knew to.

"Kassey?" he asked me

"Harry, Taylor, she gone" I said crying harder with each word I said. Harry's eyes became red and tear rolled down them just as fast as mine. He wrapped his arms around me and cuddled right in.

Her mom and I talked a little before hanging up. When I lost it. I completely broke down into Harry's arms. Louis was soon up and knew without us even telling him. It was just a feeling you got. A bad one that you never wanted to get, you anted to make it go away and tell yourself it was just a dream and you would wake up soon. Eleanor soon joined us on Harry and Is bed crying.

None of the other boys knew and I didn't know exactly how they were going to take it, but i knew there was going to be NO concert this week.

A/N-Crying right now, but life isnt perfect and saying it is in a story wouldnt make it good, I have something planned she didnt just die cause I felt like it would be cool. Just wait... :) :(

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