You Saved Me (A Harry Styles love story)

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I hope this story inspires people, I love stories like this and am going to try wright them. I have not had to deal with something as hard as this but the the people who do are stronger than I could ever be in my life. I hope you enjoy, and I am not going to try to wright before each chapter, and if I do it wont be a lot. Tell me what you think!!!

               I stood in the airport hugging my dad one last time for at least a year, could be longer, or he could never come home at all. I didn't want this day to come, but here it was and I was in it. I gave him one last hug, told him I loved him and gave him a note my sisters and I had wrote for him. The words on the note were words I couldn't say without doing the thing I hate, crying. I never liked to cry ever since I was little I was a though cookie, having 2 older brothers, and 3 younger siblings (2 sisters and a brother). My sisters had cried all night last night while I held them in my arms till they both finally fell asleep. My brothers weren't weak either, I had only seen my brothers cry once when my mother went into a coma having both my sisters ( I will explain later).
"Dad," I said as we hugged one last time "I love you I will miss you more than anything" I wanted to finish my words but I was going to cry so I stopped.
"Kass, don't worry about me, you go and have fun in school and do what you are supposed to do" My dad whispered in my ear. He always called me Kass, but my real name was Kassey (pronounced K C). He gave a hug to my brothers, who's lips quivered but they didn't cry, and my sisters, who cried for there daddy. It wasn't fair they were so young to go without their dad for a year, or the worst, the rest of there life. He kissed my mom passionately and got on the plane to leave us.

I should probably explain who I am, I am Kassey Plot, I go to Camel Back high school and I will graduate in about 2 months. I loved my dad more than anything, I was a daddy's girl, I loved hiking and camping and hated dresses and mushy stuff. When I was a kid he would leave for small mounts of time, a week, then a month, then a few months, and now a year. I had a boyfriend for about 6 months of school till we broke up cause of his lack of trust, with him I couldn't be friends with any guys or go anywhere without him knowing where. I dumped him, and it made me think every guy in my town was like that, too protective, mean, and didn't care at all. I was turned off from all guys forever.
I have 5 siblings, two big brothers Matthew (22) and Dylan (20) and they were like my best friends and the people I hate. My younger siblings were Maddie (7) and her twin Claire (7), while my mom was having them she had complication's and ended up in a coma for 2 days, but they were perfectly healthy and normal babies. My younger brother, Drew (2) was the sweetest thing ever, he loved being with me and doing stuff that I did. When I went to the store he would cry if he didn't get to go and whenever I leave for school I give him a kiss and when I come home he runs into my arms. He was still a little young to understand that daddy was leaving for a while, but I knew in time he would realize his daddy wasn't there and cling more to me. My mom was a strong lady, she cooked and cleaned and worked all day but still had time to come to baseball practice, or bake cookies, or host a book club meeting. Our little family was perfect when my dad was around, but when he wasn't something was definitely missing form the picture.

After my dad was gone far away on his plane, we went home to face the next year alone without him. When we got home everybody went to their rooms expect for Drew who played with his power rangers, and relaxed for a while. It was like this whenever he left, quiet, you could hear a pen drop in this house after he was gone. I needed to cry. But I couldn't do that in front of my brothers and sisters and let me look weak, so I left. I didn't tell anyone but they would know I would be back by 7 (our dinner time). I past by Drew who was so into his toys he didn't notice when I left and went to the quietest place I could find,the bookstore. This was the place I always went, I came went all the way to the back, into the bathroom hallway and cried until I was dry for a least a year longer. Today there was a lot of people in there, not my favorite thing right now, but I didn't care I went and cried where I usually did ignoring all the people. I sat and cried till I felt a tap on my head and heard a voice say "um are you okay love?"

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