You Saved Me Chapter 8 :)

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The boys came back in and told us what was going on. Finally.

"Okay, managements pissed" Harry explained

"Yeah really pissed" Zayn added and Niall sat down.

"Why?" Eleanor asked, she was still a little confused on the story

"Because Niall 'quit' the band, he didn't really, but now we have 2 really pissed people and that never ends well" Harry pointed to Niall and the other side of the room to the door where management was.

"So what are we doing?" Danielle asked

"We have to continue our life and deal with this problem in our free time, that's the mature thing to do" Zayn said

"But! We could also call uncle Simon! HE ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT TO DO!" Louis got excited at his, actually smart idea.

Everybody looked around at each other and shrugged. Liam pulled his phone out and called Simon's number. It was amazing they could just do that whenever they wanted.

"Hello boys, what can I do for you!?" Simon answered the phone, he was nice when he wasn't on TV.

We explained what happened and how we just needed help with what to do.

"Well boys, you have yourself a problem, let me call Paul and talk with him for a little alright?" Simon asked us

"Sure" Liam said hanging up the phone and putting it back in his pocket. We all looked around, what were we supposed to do while we waited for Simon to decide what could end their career. Okay that's a little dramatic, but...

About 15 minutes later management walked in and apologized for not protecting Hannah as well as they protected the boys. Everything was partly resolved, at least for now. The boys were about 2 hours late for their last arena check till the concert tonight.

We got there and the boys were rushed away with some huge guys and into the arena. The girls followed closely after them so we didn't get left behind. We waited in another little room with a tiny screen were you could see the boys.

My dad called me. Hes okay but not going to be home for an extra 2 months. He told me he was so happy I was enjoying myself, and that Drew was okay. He knows I am on tour, he knows almost everything about Harry and the other boys, and he knows we all want him now and didn't want a few more months without him. We talked for a long time, about the last month of tour and family. We could have talked all day, but he had work to do there and I had a concert to get to here. He even got to say hello to the girls for a minute before he said goodbye.

The boys did great like usual and to celebrate they got to get back on the tour bus and drive to Oklahoma as fast as they could. It would probably take about 6 to 7 hours. That was pretty good considering it took us a whole day to get to Texas. Things were still a little shacking with management but they were getting better. The Hannah hate group had been reported and shut down by the time the day ended and Hannah was feeling much better. Harry and I cuddled while we called Drew together and played race cars over the phone, a new game he had come up with. We played it for about half an hour before Drew had to go take a bath. Then I pulled my laptop out and went to Skype. I searched for Taylor and invited her. Harry was delighted to see her and the other boys and their girlfriends soon joined the chat also excited to see her. We pretty much screamed at each other for the first like 10 minutes.

Taylor wishes she was feeling better so she could see a concert and the boys wished they weren't so famous for a little so they could come and see her again. She seemed almost surprised that we were talking to her, she must have thought she didn't have a chance, I guess that's why the boys liked her. All these fans felt like they could make the boys completely fall in love with them by coming to a concert or a C.D singing. But that's not how the boys met there girls, they met us by fate, they met Taylor by fate.

You Saved Me (A Harry Styles love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant