242 29 42

Severus = italic

Sal = bold not italic

"..." means a pause or silence, depending on the context.


29 October, 1998

Good morning Sev! I don't know if it is morning at your place or not but it is morning here so... Anyways, how are you doing?


*an hour later*

Are you still asleep?


*two hours later*

Yep, I think you are.

Well, when you wake up, "text" me. Get it, coz texting exists in the muggle world and this is exactly like that aaand you don't care... This is awkward. It wouldn't have been if I had stopped writing a minute ago... well... See ya!


*an hour later*

Good morning Sal. Sorry, I really was asleep and woke up just a few minutes ago.

By the way, I didn't get the joke.

Hey Sev! Never mind, it was dumb anyways.

You like to tell jokes?

Sometimes, especially when I embarrass myself. My personality is a bit toxic, I am sorry for that. I just dominate the conversation sometimes so I will understand if you got annoyed by it.

You keep doubting yourself a lot, ever noticed that? Well, to ease your mind, I didn't find your personality toxic. It is true that I don't know you that well but I am still here and I am still writing back which means, I am not annoyed by you.

That is great to know, thank you Sev <3

What is that? "<3"

Oh, it's a heart. Like in a "I love you" wait...that sounded wrong...I mean, uh... forget about it, it's just a silly thing we millennials do whenever we text each other.


So how was your day?

Same like the day before, probably same like tomorrow too. All my days are the same.

I can totally relate.


Let me ask you Sal, why did Dumbledore give you this notebook? There must have been a reason. And how do you know him?

Oh... well... that is a long story, like a reaaally long story. But I can answer why he gave me this notebook. I...uh... okay so here is the thing, Professor Dumbledore saw how the war took a toll on me and my... sanity and he wanted to help me.

By giving you an old notebook, that doesn't seem very helpful?

It is not only the notebook that he gave me, he gave me you. He gave me someone to talk to instead of staring at my ceiling all day.

I am not really someone interesting to talk to, it's quite the opposite actually. I am the one people run away from.

Well, I am still here so I beg to differ.

Allow me to change the topic, I remember you mentioned yesterday that you graduated from Hogwarts. Did you begin looking for jobs instead of sitting in your room all day?

How I wish it was that easy Sev. Sadly, I cannot apply in any of them without a letter of recommendation and all the jobs that do not require that are boring as hell.

What are you good at, what is your dream job?

I will tell you, but promise you won't laugh at me.


That is the most useless thing I have ever heard. Even if I laughed at you, you won't know.

You got a point!

Well, I always wanted to be Professor Snape's apprentice.



*ten minutes later*

Are you still there Sev?

Yes, I am here, was just... brewing some coffee.

I have to say, I am quiet shocked that you want to work under him. Was he your teacher Sal?

Yes, he was my potions master in my seventh year. I wish he had taught me for more than that.

Why couldn't he?

Oh, it wasn't his fault. I was transferred to Hogwarts in my Seventh year so I only got to interact with him for just one year.

I see.


Well, tell me more about him. What was he like in class? Did you hate him, were you intimidated by him?

Did I hate him... no, I didn't.

Was I intimidated... well, of course. He always had this commanding presence that would send chills down our spines. But I really liked that about him. He was very calm and focused during class and rarely ever shouts. Unless if it was to Potter but honestly, the boy had it coming. He often disrespected Professor Snape in front of the whole class.

Sorry, I spoke too much...

Stop apologizing Sal! For the hundredth time, I am not bothered. Trust me, when I will be, I will surely let you know.


So, you still haven't told me anything about yourself. I don't even know if you are a boy or a girl.

I am neither...

What?! Am I... am I writing to a goblin?


I meant that I am not a boy per say... I am not young. I am a man not a boy.



Does that bother you?

No, not at all.

Well, it is nice to meet you :)


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