153 24 1

Severus = Italics

Sal = Bold not italic

"..." means a pause or silence, depending on the context.

30 November, 1998


Why don't you try and find a job Sal? I know you want to be Snape's apprentice but you have to realize that Snape must be alive first to recommend you.

I know Sev but I don't know what other job I can apply for.

How about a medi-witch?

Uggh! Also, I failed herbology so I don't think that would be even possible.

What are you planning to do then, lock yourself in your room for the rest of your life? You are still young and have your whole life ahead of ...


Why didn't you finish your sentence Sev?

Sorry, I just remembered someone recently said that exact same sentence to me. It's quite hypocritical of me to give you advice when I am no different.

I admire your honesty. Well, let's take each other's advice (the same advice I know, how convenient!) I will begin searching for a job when you also get yourself out of your house.

It is not that easy unfortunately.

Why not?

Get up

Go to the door

Open it aaand... vola!


How funny!

I can practically feel the sarcasm coming out of the pages!

Sal, I cannot just resume my life like a normal individual. I... I have done things that are just unforgivable. I must remain hidden. But you can get out and meet new people. Make new friends, you are still young.

Wait, let's rewind for a bit. What unforgivable things did you do? Were... were you a death eater? Is that the reason why you have to remain hidden?



*a few minutes later*

Will it change your opinion of me if I said yes?


Depends. Did you join them willingly? Did you kill people? Why did you join in the first place?

That is a long story. But no, I didn't kill anyone and I didn't join them for the fun of it. I was never on their side, I was always Dumbl...

I wasn't evil, that is all I can say.

Alright. I believe you.


Yes, I give people the benefit of the doubt.

I don't deserve this kindness.

Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness.

7 December, 1998

Are you alright Sal? You haven't spoken for eight days. Ever since we began speaking, you never missed a day.

I am sorry, I left my house for the first time in months.

So you began taking my advice, that is good to know.

Uh... to be perfectly honest, I didn't go out to find a job. I...uh...


I am sorry Sev, I cannot tell you. At least for now, you... you won't look at me the same way once I tell you.

Hmm, I don't think so. Someone wise recently told me that people should give others the benefit of the doubt... who was it I wonder?

Oh My God! Did you seriously just crack a joke right now?

I am dying with laughter... oh wait, I got it. LOL!

I am glad it made you laugh.

Sal, you can trust me. I took my fair share of people immediately doubting me and my intentions. I have been always the evil mastermind, I was always the first one to blame.

So I am not going to do the same to you, I know first-hand how terrible that feels.

That is very kind of you Sev, really. But... I cannot tell you for just that reason alone. I will admit, it is one of many but... I am sorry, I just cannot. I hope you understand.



*ten minutes later*

I understand, there is no need to apologize.


*a few hours later*

So, there was actually something on my mind that I needed to ask you about.

Sure, go ahead.

I was thinking about you joining the death eaters and what you said about you not being evil...

And I came up with only one possibility... you must have joined them to spy on them.

Am I right to assume so?

Well... not quite. I am sorry to disappoint Sal but initially I joined them out of my own accord. I was young and naïve and only lusted to be a part of something. To have power.

And then... there must be a then right? Are you still lusting for power?

Oh no, of course not! It was my biggest regret. That mistake made me lose...

Made me lose someone very special to me.

I am sorry.


Did you remain with the death eaters after you lost that person?

Yes, unfortunately, I had to. But losing her was a turning point for me. The moment I lost her, I vowed to myself and her that I will avenge her death. I turned a spy and...



That is it Sal, there is nothing more to say. You asked if the reason I joined the death eater was to be a spy and I answered.


Hmm... I feel like there is more to that story.

It is alright though, I won't force you to tell me if you don't want to. One day perhaps.

Thank you.

His Only Hope || A Severus Snape Romance NovelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ