Soul Mates -10-

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We all sat around the kitchen table, by we, I mean me, mom, Hunter, Sara, Dragon and Precious.

This was my mother's confession, where she said she was going to tell us everything, including all the boring details. It turned out that she and Sara -Hunter's mom- were in contact with each other. Mom knew I was learning more about magic and she let me! They both wanted to make sure me and Hunter were ok. And I was wondering why she wasn't hovering over me in everything I do these past weeks! It figures...

She looked at me then said "Damien was not a bad man Melodie, he was nice and charming and he loved you...more than anything in his life...the photos prove my point."

"So what changed?" I asked.

"He started changing slowly, he became impatient, angry, and...cold. I didn't know what was going on with him, but he became a different person completely, he wouldn't even spend a second with you."

She became quite for a couple of seconds then said "He had a new power...a kind of draining. He would burst into my room and demand I give his some of my power, until I almost had nothing left!

"How did he do it? You know...drain you" Dragon asked. I glared at him, and he shrugged, talk about being insensitive! Precious shot me an apologetic smile.

"He would bring my mouth to his as if he wanted to kiss me, and then energy would just flow out of me, leaving me exhausted and restless and unable to do anything. It got to the point where I couldn't think; I would just sit in the bed and rock back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. When he became stronger, he could just touch my hand and power would leave."

A sob rose in her throat, and without warning tears started gushing down her cheeks. I felt like I needed to do something or say something to comfort her, but really...I was in need of comforting myself. So I was very grateful when Sara squeezed her shoulder gently.

"He became stronger and stronger every time he drained people from their energy. He stopped eating normal food.

My brother, your dad Hunter knew something was up and as the king, he demanded to know why I wasn't allowed to see him. Damien took me as hostage to get your dad alone, and then he put him in prison.

"In prison? I thought he killed him..." Hunter asked, his face blank and expressionless.

"Well, he had been draining him from energy ever since me and Mel left, which is about 8 years now. I don't know if he's still alive or..."she left the sentence hanging.

"Why can't I remember anything about Damien" I asked.

"You kept asking for him, wanting him, and I couldn't get him for you, so I put two spells on you. One to make you forget Damien ever existed before and the other to limit your power in the human world"

"Can I get my memory back please?" I asked, she took the book of spells in both her hands and it immediately opened to the paged she needed, she recited a spell and then emotions filled me.

My eyes wanted to cry a river.

My heart wanted to storm its way through my ribcage.

I felt love for a man who abandoned me.

"If my powers were supposed to be limited in the human world, why can I read minds?" I ask with a quiver in my voice that Hunter detected and took my hand in his.

"You can?" She looked surprised, "Then you are far more stronger than I gave you credit for...

Remember when I came to your room and asked you if you were feeling sick" I nodded and she continued "When you are about 16 the power start to unleash and no amount of spells can stop it from doing so. You will feel dizzy and have a headache almost all the time, things might start moving on their own, or smashing if you are afraid or angry, and the weather might change, rain, thunder, storm, hurricanes. I don't know how strong you are but I remember that Loren caused an earthquake when his power unleashed, so you need to disappear somewhere far, and not get angry or afraid at all, then we might be lucky to just have a very untidy place with dizziness and headaches."

"It started yesterday, when she saw Damien pictures" Precious pointed out.

"Just great!" my mother sighed.

"I can take her somewhere and hide her, how long does it last?" Hunter asked.

"About 2 weeks at the most" mom replied.

"What abut the elder's meeting, it's like...tomorrow" I said.

He snorted "I don't care, they will know what happened from Dragon but they wouldn't know where we are"

"Hey man, am coming with you" said Dragon,

" would be the main reason if a volcano erupted and planet earth exploded" I warned

"Ha ha ha, midget discovered she had a sense of humor" he said to me, and then snapped to Hunter "I already missed 2 meetings, a third would hardly matter would it?"

We all looked at each other, "So when are we leaving" I asked.

"After your birthday party" Hunter replied with a mysterious smile.

"I don't want one this year, there's enough on our shoulders...WHAT? BIRTHDAY? WHEN?"

He shook his head with mock sadness and said "You can be so out of it sometimes...

Its tomorrow"

"Ok, Tomo...TOMOOROW, I HAVENT GOT ANYTING TO WEAR..." I screamed. It's amazing how shopping can take your mind of people trying to kill you!

Sara and mom looked at each other

"We must be the craziest parents on the planet" said Sara

"To let 4 teenagers stay alone together in a place we don't know" continued mother

"But we're doing it anyways?" asked Sara

"Yep we're doing it anyway" mom replied, shaking her head.

"WAIT MELODIE..." I heard my mom shout as I ran out the door.


"You won't go to the witch's world right?" she shouted after me hopefully.

"I can't hear you" I replied and tried to dash out the door.

"That's because you have selective hearing. You hear me perfectly well when am handing you pocket money, but when I ask a favor, I'm suddenly incomprehensible.

I grinned at her and said "Sure, anything you say" ,as long as she didn't make me promi...

"Promise" she asked...I sighed in frustration.

I looked at Precious's pleading expression and crossed my fingers, "Promise"

"Take this, it's yours now" she said as she handed me The Book Of Spells.

Well...what did she expect? I AM a teenager after all!

When were a safely out of any hearing range from the house, Hunter took my hand in his and said "You're such a bad liar. You couldn't spin if your life depended on It." after several moments of silence he added, "You're going aren't you?"

I don't answer him.

I look anywhere but at him.

He shouldn't know what I'm planning.

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