Soul Mates -25-

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“But how are we gonna get the other me alone so you can perform your Necromancer stuff to get her out of my body and get me back in?” I whined, I knew she could help, but there’s a low chance of that since Edmond was sitting a bit too close to my body, a hand resting casually around my waist.

There is no way he would move anywhere far from me now, since the very first day I came here I resisted him with as much as power as I could. He probably thought I fancied him all along! I slumped my shoulders in defeat as I stood there looking at Edmond, Precious and the other me. Claire crept up behind a tree to get a closer look and I frowned and asked “Can’t he sense your mind? He’s a mind reader after all!”

Claire looked at me as if I had just lost it “You ward your mind of course!” after a little bit of more thinking on her part, she said with a teasing smile “But he, being the king and most powerful, could probably hear me –if he gave himself the chance to listen to anything but your voice”. I clinched my fist in anger, I would have certainly be aiming at his face for a punch if I could, being a spirit and all doesn’t help in the slightest.

“But I was wondering, he should be able to hear your mind right? YOU didn’t ward it so it shouldn’t be a problem. He would soon discover that’s not really you and-

I sighed in despair. Another idea that was doomed to failure, why couldn’t I just let him roam over in my mind? It’s not like I was hiding a big secret or anything!  “No he won’t, I made him promise not to poke in my mind, or else he would face sever punishments. I think he really took it seriously.”

Claire groaned, and then something caught her eye. She pointed at the direction where my body was having a lovely chat with Edmond.

I looked up in horror as Precious excused herself and went back to the castle, how could she leave me alone with him? I didn’t know whether I should follow her or keep a close watch on my body, but as soon as whoever was inside me put her arms around Edmond’s neck, I ran out of there shouting at Claire to please not let him rape me! She looked back and forth between me and my body in desperation and waved her arms wildly as if saying “What am I supposed to do if your body wants to have sex with him?”

I followed Precious inside the castle, swearing at her under my breathall the way inside. What was so important that she had to leave me with that creep? I saw her race to her room and just as I was entering, she shut the door in my face! Just because I can’t communicate with or touch humans, doesn’t mean I can’t feel solid stuff, I was able to untie the people’s shoelaces and make them fall wasn’t i? I sighed in annoyance and after a couple of bumps through the stupid door –they actually hurt! –I decided I would just open it and go through. I hoped she would notice and think it thoroughly so it could lead her right to me.             She didn’t notice.

I found her sitting on the bed, her Book of Spells was out and as soon as she put her necklace through the key hole, it opened. Once inside she put her finger on the book and it sliced it taking a sample of blood. In a few more seconds, it spelled her full name on the paper and then papers turned themselves so fast to the page that she needed.

The title of the page she was looking at was “How to cure a love spell”. I hit my head on the wall several times. She thought that Edmond put a love spell on me? Seriously? I sighed in frustration and ran my hand through my hair a couple of times, her spell to “cure” me, couldn’t possibly work because I wasn’t under any spells.

At least she noticed something is wrong with you!

I decided to ditch Precious, and as I was going back through the castle to my body, I heard Sam’s laugh through one of the many metal doors to my right. I followed his laugh happily and gently opened the door. He looked up, smiled, and ran to give me a hug which obviously didn’t connect because I pass right through humans. He frowned and said “I thought you were back”.

I was too shocked by his emotions to hug me, and by the fact that he could see me in the first place, that I didn’t really focus on what he said. Instead, I just came and sat about in his bed. He made me play cars with him for a while, which I gladly did. We were laughing so hard that when a woman burst through the door, we didn’t notice her. At least not until she started screaming about the mess he made of this place, and that it was his bed time.

I waited patiently as she took him away to the bathroom, and I started to reply all what happened to me that day. Everything, so I could see how the hell I left my body in the first place. We were all just goofing around, I wanted to go and start with the mission already, but Edmond wouldn’t let me. I didn’t listen, I had him on the floor and made him a cushion, and then I heard Sam’s laugh. Which Edmond warned me to leave alone, and to-

Don’t touch his hand, Edmond had shouted, and what did I do? I scooped the kid in my arms as if I was his mom! Why don’t I ever listen? I realized that all what I’ve been through was because of Sam. He’s the one who sent me away from my body. How could I have been so stupid?

I roamed around Sam’s room for a while; there was nothing there that indicated that there was anything wrong with him. But then again, nothing in my rooms proves that I’m a witch.

I sighed and got the hell out of Sam’s room, flying to the next one, which happened to be Edmond’s room. I stood, almost frozen, as I saw the walls. They were full of newspaper clippings.

 I didn’t even know newspapers existed in the magic world!

When I looked closer, I saw that they weren’t our normal day to day boring newspapers. The only thing actually written on these was the headlines, everything else was shown. Pictures moved, just like a TV but without all the cables and…well…on paper.

When I stopped fascinating about the wonders of magic over technology, I found it quite odd to have newspaper clippings all over your bedroom, especially if you’re a king and all. When I focused on the words, I bit back a cry. They were all about me.


We were walking through the village; Tessa had reluctantly let us go –after a load of goodbyes and kisses, which I practically had to force her to make them on the cheeks. She was going for a full lip kiss, even though she’s all but my thump size and her lips are too tiny to even be felt.

“So…what do we do now?” Dragon asked me. It was a really typical Dragon question, and I gave a typical Hunter reply. He never expects me to say that I don’t know, and I don’t like to disappoint-If I can help it.

“I bet they’re still with the king of the magic world.” I said, distaste shown in my voice.

“And where do we find him?”

“Just look around you” I replied. Everywhere we looked was kind of old fashioned, houses were built from rock. They were only one floor, but they didn’t seem to be poor. Everybody hanged around happily, doing their normal routines. Far away, I could only see the shadow of something huge, solid, and pretty much like a castle.

“What’s so important around me?”  He asked, scratching his head as if he was seriously thinking about it. I sighed in defeat, riddles hardly worked with Dragon, but I was kinda stating the obvious here. “They would be with the king, the king would probably be living in a castle, and that is where we’re heading. There” I said as I pointed to the distance, beyond the horizon, into the shadows of where we wanted to be.

“How do we get there?” Dragon asked in wonder, transfixed by the image.  I looked around me “We’re in the land where the magic happens, something will come up. Let’s just find food and shelter for the moment.”

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