Soul Mates -2-

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Well done hunter, you made her faint. Faint for god's sake! I thought as I sat by her bed. She looked beautiful that if I was a girl, it would have hurt to look at her. But since am a boy all I could do now is continue staring at her face. She was breathing steadily but her eyes were still closed. She looked like a sleeping beauty.

I forced my self to look the other way as a blush crept up my face. But I couldn't keep it for long; I looked back at her with the same speed. I moved my hand hesitantly and brushed her hair from her face. That was when she began opening her eyes. Slowly and still looking around, getting a picture of her surroundings. Finally her eyes met mine...and stayed there. She smiled a weak smile then looked up at the ceiling, gave a sigh and said "what are you, and what have I got to do with you?"

That's exactly the sort of question I've been trying to avoid but clearly, not this time. I gave a bigger sigh than hers, took her hand in mine and said "you're my soul mate Mel". 

"Mel?" she repeated, as if it's the first time someone uses that nickname for her. "Are you a werewolf?" she asks. "I am, and you're a witch" I replied and smiled sadly. 

Suddenly she jerked out of her bed. "I am a what? I can read minds, and I have a one sided connective feeling with you but I am not a witch...I am not a witch Hunter". She completed in a whisper.


He looked a way, looking embarrassed and uncomfortable. But I noticed, for the first time, that his hand was still on mine...and there was no electric shock. So I asked him why, he smiled and said "It only happens when one of us is afraid or not sure of the other, just to remind us that there's no need and we'll never be able to harm each other... even if we try." he said.

"What about the one sided feeling?" I asked. 

"Its not one sided, it will come to me too soon as we're together. It came to you first because you're stronger, because you're a witch..." You bit you lip to hide the last word then tried to change the subject but I got there first "why do you say am a witch?" I asked, after several moments of silence I demanded "tell me". 

"You have fire as your aura, and it's only for very powerful witches" he said finally, but he wouldn't meet my gaze, so I changed the subject "who was our substitute teacher?" he laughed "her name is Precious, she's my friend's soul mate".  

"Your friend?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. We both know that he hadsnt exactly made any friends yet. He made enemies, and fans,  but no friends.

 "My brother in the pack, his name is Dragon, and...well...she's a ...she's witch." he glanced the opposite way so I wouldn't see how embarrassed he became. 

"And what? You wanted us to talk witch talk?" I demanded in anger. 

"No, it wasn't even my idea. Dragon said she can...know stuff about people from touching their wrist. But you were...too strong for her". 

"Why?" I asked; almost convince that I am a witch. 

"Because you're from a stronger family, I suppose. I don't know much about witches" he apologized "I never imagined that my soul mate would be..."  

"A witch" I finished for him.

"But Precious can tell you all about it if you come with me. I will...introduce you to the elders and...other stuff" he said quickly. 

"Before I...fainted. You said..." I started 

"Take no notice of what I said, I didn't know what happened and I thought she was going to...going to die. Especially since you don't know how to use your power yet" he said, way too quickly for me to hear all the words but I got the general message.

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