Soul Mates -7-

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First I taught her how to use a knife correctly, then how to upload a gun and aim appropriately; I gave her locks picks and taught her how to use them efficiently to pick a lock "the best place to hide them for you is your hair".

When I was sure she knows it and wouldn't make the mistake to stop and think something like "what am I doing?" I guided her through the other weapons and handed her a switch blade and two pistols "those are yours, take them wherever you go" I said, then added "strap those holster's to your thigh"

She didn't look shocked anymore, which was different from the first time she came here. I was pleased. "I think a shuriken and a kunai knife would work really well with you because you're small but strong - you can easily trick an opponent into thinking you are helpless"

"Thanks so much, my self-esteem drops by the second" she said sarcastically, then added "You're turning me into a ninja, good god, next you'll be asking me to fly from tree to tree" that was actually something I wanted to teach her, but I kept that part to myself!

I smirked at her as we went to the wooded board and I started to throw the shuriken and the kunai knives. She watched me carefully and then I let her try, shouting instructions every second.

My first was of course "careful, it might bounce and hit you instead"

She rolled her eyes at me and said "honestly, you should stop worrying so much, am fine, am living, the air won't give me a cold and the sun wont burn my skin, relax"

I blushed, if I didn't have anything to worry about I'll worry about having nothing to worry about! She winked at me, indicating that she heard that in my mind 'God knows why I love you when the reason I hated my mother was because she fusses so much, you are much more worse, and still I hang around with you." She sighed in a dramatic way and said "poor me".

I didn't really take notice of that. My mind was completely focused on the fact that she said she loved me. Before she either said it in her mind or showed love emotions, but she never ACTUALLY said it. I was grinning from ear to ear, all the more reasons to keep her safe and make sure nothing harms her.

"Grip with your thump and index finger, bring it up to shoulder height then use the top point to aim by putting it in front of your target then snap your arm out, flick the wrist just before you let go."

"You need to flick your wrist incredibly fast which you should be able to do after all the exercises you were doing."

"You can throw the shuriken from a point or the center, the point will give you more strength, while the center more accuracy"

"For the kunai knife, hold the blade by the handle; raise your arm at the elbow so the blade is pointing straight behind you. In one motion, bring your arm down and release it as the tip of the blade points towards your target."

"Raise your arm over your head as you would when throwing a baseball"

"You can also throw a shuriken like a Frisbee, holding it sideways and flinging it side armed from either side of your body"

"Practice this throwing technique until the knife makes no rotation and stick in the dart board repeatedly"

"Ok, that's enough, I want to teach you one more thing" I said

"What? Is it flying from tree to tree" she said sarcastically

"No, pressure points on the body"

"What would I do those?"

"They are areas in the body that can inflict a great deal of pain or cause numbness when they are pressed or struck" that got her full attention and she stopped aiming and firing one of those silent pistols at a dartboard which really wasn't one anymore, it was just filled with too many holes!

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