Soul Mates -14-

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A week later, Mel, Dragon, Precious and I were living in a hotel. Mel’s powers were unleashing so quickly it was unbelievable. She has splitting headaches that even I can feel through our mental bond. I know she’s acting brave. I know it hurts.

She learnt how to control the elements, which is pretty amazing. She make waves in a bath tub, fire without burning anything, grow plants in seconds and we usually use her air powers because it’s mid June and its boiling hot! But they’re all pretty...unstable, although she doesn’t agree with me on that point. But I took to ignoring anything she says about that topic because I think she isn’t in a fit state to discuss it, mentally and physically.

Apparently though, she shouldn’t be able to command all the elements. Just one element. Her powers are so great that she could do all those things. It’s making me proud. She just didn’t learn how to become invisible by air, or turn into a puddle or sand grains or rock or fire. To be honest, I was kind of relived. The thought of her turning to anything but herself doesn’t make me feel good, not at all.

She’s been feeling so weak lately that it kills. She always has a dazed expression on her face nowadays and she needs to hold on to someone or something to support her to stand.  She can barley do anything really, which is a bit worrying. I am by her side 24/7 and alert for any dangers we may face, but I still wonder if am strong enough. I couldn’t do anything the last time she was kidnapped, would I be able to do anything this time?

I shook my head violently as I heard Mel call for me. “I’m here love” I said softly, clutching her fingers in mine and squeezing it tenderly “Do you need anything at all?”

It took me a moment to realize that she’s sleeping, and that she isn’t quite on the bed anymore, but flying gently above it with an inch or two.

I shook her shoulders urgently to wake her up, but it wasn’t working. She moaned softly in her sleep and things around the room began to......let’s say behave differently.

Some were soaked on water, floating in the air, almost transparent, buried on the ground –carpet and all- or on fire...there were also a lot of rocks that suddenly appeared from nowhere. I had a feelings they were possessions that...well...turned to rocks.

“DRAGON! PRECIOUS!” I shouted to them, and then got myself on top of Mel because she started to rise...far more than an inch or two. They were in the room in seconds, but they relaxed when they saw me on top of her “Why would you call us if you want to sleep her?” Precious had asked, hiding a smile. Dragon didn’t bother hiding; he burst laughing and said “want our permission? Or are you not sure how to have sex?”

“NO” I almost growled at them “Get the fire extinguisher  to stop that book from burning the whole bloody hotel! Close the windows so things won’t fly out, and for God’s sake help me wake Mel up”

They stood there for a second, frozen, taking in everything I just told them, and looking at the state of the room. Then they were on alert, Precious ran for the window, while Dragon went to find the extinguisher. But things weren’t going well either. A lot of things began be exact...our whole room was!

She was still half flying, but beginning to get a little on the transparent side. I pulled her and carried her out of the room, clutching her tightly to my chest. If I let go just for a second, she would be sleep-flying out the room. I was sure people won’t be amused, it’s the not the same as sleep-walking.

I pulled her down on a chair and tried to wake her up, the smoke wasn’t helping, and if i wasn’t a werewolf, I would have suffocated by now. I looked at Precious; she looked tired, with burnt clothes and ash all over her. I was sure she won’t be able to last more. I waved me hand at her and then at the door, telling her to get out while she can, but she shook her head violently at me and said, barley, “I’m staying until the end”

She was using a water spell to put out some of the fire, but Precious herself was a fire user. I could tell that it was hard for her to try and do that, she was struggling, and the fire was double the speed.

I knew I had to do something before its too late.

“Melodie!!” I screamed urgently in her head

“Mel” I repeated again

Suddenly, I saw a big piece of wood falling from the ceiling, heading right for Precious. I saw her gasp and squeeze her eyes shut and put her hands in front of her face, hoping her element would burn the wood to ashes before it reached her. I saw Dragon run to her, trying to protect her body with his body. I saw him as he flung himself forward...

“MELODIE” I screamed inside her head with all the power that I could muster.

Suddenly, her eyes opened, she stopped flying, and her weight fell on top of me. I stumbled on the ground and fell. Dragon landed on top of Precious and knocked her out of her feet. No fire. No wooded beam. No nothing.

“Jesus Christ woman!” exclaimed dragon, with a relived smile.

“Was it all an illusion? Did it not really happen? Were we freaking out over nothing? Precious asked question after question, but really, we didn’t know the answers.

“So what happened Mel?” I asked her as I rubbed her back soothingly.

“I...I think I saw my dad” she said, barley above a whisper, and looked at me with frightened eyes.

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