Soul Mates -23-

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I found nothing at all to interest me in the witches world. My dad was looking for me, and I felt a tingle of excitement as I thought, this will be the first time I actually see my dad in the flesh. The happy thought quickly vanished and a more sarcastic voice said in my head –

And he wants you dead as far as we can see huh?

I shook my head violently and went back to floating, what did everyone think, I wonder? Did they think I was dead? Unconscious? What explanation would they come up with? Precious probably would try to think logically and with optimist and – as much as I wanted her to- she wouldn’t have a go at anyone. I sighed; in moments like these, I wanted Hunter!

I wandered around in both the witches and the magic worlds. I tried getting people’s attention, waving at them, screaming in their faces, untying their shoe laces (that just made them fall over, right through me!). Closing and opening their doors (which they all assumed was oh the strong “Wind”. Whatever I did, I was ignored. These people were magicians and sorceress, if they tried hard enough, and casted a spell, they probably would be able to see me. Probably.

I wanted to get back inside my body, but somehow I couldn’t. Nobody could see me, so no one could talk to me, which meant no one could help me! I was stuck here in this limbo place with no way of getting back to my body. I was helpless and –

“Hey spirit, who are you?” a voice said from way down. I looked at the direction and found a girl who could be about my age – maybe that was a stretch. She was probably only five foot tall and as skinny as I had been when I was six, not sixteen.

“You can see me?” I was astonished at that, and didn’t take more time hanging away from her.

When she saw me racing down to her, she only laughed and said “Now now, I’m sure you haven’t spoken to anyone in centuries but I am warning you, no gruesome details about your death ok?”

“Huh?” was my only answer to that. And then when I realized what she was saying, I said quickly “I’m not dead!”

She smiled a soft smile and said “Trust me, denial won’t help you. It’s better to get it over with.  Come and sit next to me instead of floating up there. Tell me about your family and I’ll send them all the messages you want, we could even –

I couldn’t hear any more of her sympathy. I wasn’t dead. Or was i? Am I dead? I didn’t think so. And since there is no logical explanation to explain my death, the how and the why and when and where, I wasn’t prepared to believe it either. I interrupted her saying “Listen, I. Am. Not. Dead.  ok? Not dead! Now if you would care to explain who you are and how you can see me when no one else can, we might actually get far.”

She looked surprized for a moment then said “My name is Claire Deveraux , I am a necromancer.”

“And that would be…?” I was clueless about the funny N word she just used.

“It means I can talk to ghosts and…and raise and control their bodies” she said hesitantly. I didn’t put much thought into the last bit, I didn’t want to know details.  I’ve seen freakish things since I got here that are better left unsaid.

“So…you think I’m dead? But I’m not dead, I swear, I was –  I stopped for a second as I calculated what she told me about herself. I measured my words carefully and said “so Claire, if you can raise bodies, you must be able to return spirits to their bodies right?”

She looked at me horrified “But that’s painful, that’s worse than murder! Its raising dead bodies with no will! No, no I won’t do that. I can’t do that” she said, shaking her head violently from side to side, as if in a mental conflict with herself.

“Yes I am sure…it would be awfully painful to the dead and raising zombies wasn’t on top of my to-do-list! But I am alive, and I need your help. Please.”


I growled at Dragon, nudging him with my head to run the opposite way to the pixies. He seemed to be frozen for a moment, as if in shock thinking how the hell could such beautiful creatures be so savage? But he regained his movement quick enough to run after me.

I suddenly realized what it was they were running to. The tiny place where I bit Dragon to get him off me. They were all heading for him.

I nudged him again so he can jump on my back; it was a gamble of a decision. Either I would be able to carry his weight, or I’ll fall down paws flat on the ground –He wasn’t as light as Mel.

I tensed all my muscles up, ready for his weight. When he jumped on me, I was already running and gaining speed, I felt quite similar to a horse. I didn’t like the thought.

He was so God damn heavy, but I could have managed a greater distance – if he hadn’t fallen off, clumsy stupid boy that he is. I tried to get him to get up again, but by then we were too late. There were millions of pixies gaining on us fast. I looked back, anxious for what’s about to happen, when I realized they were only coming from one direction, and they were so closely packed together, which gave me an idea. They were the perfect road.

I howled at dragon to follow me as I ran towards the pixies. He looked at me in horror, as if he just realized that I lost my mind, but I looked back while running and eyed him carefully, giving him a measured a reassuring smile and dived headfirst into the pixies.

I saw dragon sigh in defeat from the corners of my eyes and followed me. Only he stopped running inches from colliding with the pixies and ducked low down to avoid them, while I jumped and kept on running – on top of them. I was hitting about eighty pixies every time my paws hit their little heads. The experience was immensely enjoyable and I felt like I was running on electric stairs. Dragon stood there, open mouthed and gaping at me, as if I’ve just about done the stupidest thing ever, but hey, I was so far up and the pixies weren’t exactly regrouping. Many of them were already on the ground, too bruised to move, and the ones left looked quite lost.

Dragon ended their confusion by changing to a wolf himself and doing exactly what I did, knocking what’s left of them out cold. It was only when we were right at the top did I realize something at the same time as Dragon.

I looked at him, apologetically, and his face was filled with horror after he was just enjoying himself and shouting “This is great!”

Now, he said “How the hell are we gonna get down?” his voice was echoed by a million others, and we slowly fell down, gravity doing what it always does when you defy it.  There were almost no more pixies holding us up, and wolves were not very good at flying. We screamed all the way until we hit the ground with a loud thud – and a few cracks that made me hope nothing was broken. We changed back, in pain and feeling a little dizzy lying on the ground. Dragon eyed ne accusingly and said “Look what you’ve gotten us into, I’ve got about…” he stopped to count mentally and I could sense him trying to move his bones “Five broken bones!”

I looked at him with a weak smile, I didn’t have any broken myself  “At least you will heal in a few minutes…?”

A little pixie came over, and hovered above us. She stomped her foot through the air in frustration and said “You wouldn’t have been able to use that trick in normal circumstances, because now we were tired, and our numbers halved from an attack earlier this month by two silly witches, normally, nobody comes here for centuries!”

I looked at her, my jaws dropping when Dragon said “Your numbers are halved? Good lord!”

I relized that to make her let us pass through the grass-full land, we needed to kinda make friends with the blood-sucking pixie.

"Hey, You know you fought pretty hard. It was almost impossible to defeat you. you weren't only a very good first line of defence, but beautiful too...would you mind letting us through to the maigc world now?" I left a smile stuck on my lips, hoping my logic would do its wonders. Maybe.

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