Soul Mates -9-

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I unlocked the door and we went in, the house was empty, I didn't know where mom and dad where, but the twins probably have sports practice, and my sister had a party somewhere or another.

"Where would you hide something like a book of spells" I asked

"In mom and dad's room" I answered my own question

"Wrong" Precious said "It wouldn't be anywhere where your dad or your siblings can find it because they are not witches, imagine your dad- well your step dad really- found it, what do you think he would be like..."

I imagined the scene. I was sure it wouldn't turn out good. "The attic then" I said

"Lets go check it" Precious said.

I went to my room and got a chair out and placed it directly below the attic door. I pushed the door upwards and pulled the ladder and climbed up, Precious behind me. The ladder was metal; but it kept on creaking and cracking until we got to the top.

I switched the light on and our mouths hung open as we looked at it in astonishments. The attic was rebuilt to look like a room, a little girl's room. There was no dust or cobwebs or spiders, as if it was cleaned everyday!

"A spell was put on this place, so it will never get dirty" Precious said...that explains it!

Someone till comes here, the realization hit me, I was alerted, that someone MUST be mother.

Precious whistled as she sat on the bed, "Look at the walls"

The walls each had a different colour which was actually moving. The elements, each wall represents a tribe, fire, water, earth and air, "Where is spirit" I asked out loud.

"You're standing on it" Precious replied,

A little cupboard was next to the bed, I opened the first drawer, a book and a photo album

Lay there. When I opened the book, I realized it's a diary. I closed it shut. I haven't got time to read now. Am gonna have a quick look at the photo album. The first picture was of a woman, no...mum, she looked strikingly beautiful. A man I didn't know but who...looked so much like me...and a

"That's Damien", said Precious, "That's your real dad", I couldn't take my eyes of him, something inside me was moving, wanting to come out.

Underneath the pictures, it said Zoë, Damien and Melodie by mom's hand writing.

I choked out a cry, I knew that the dad I knew all my life wasn't my real dad since Hunter and me talked about it, but didn't seem real at the time, now it was like a shell bomb was dropped on my head.

I went through the pictures. -Damien giving me a Peggy back- me and Damien on a horse- me and Damien swimming- mom, me and Damien on a beach then me and Damien playing beach ball- a painting of me by Damien, who was holding it up and grinning proudly- me and Damien making a snow man- me and Damien skiing...

My crying became a loud sob, Precious squeezed my shoulder. I turned to the next page. I froze. I couldn't be doing this? Or could I? I was literally moving the water-BY MAGIC, all laws of gravity were lost, it was going around me in circles and I was looking very happy, as if I was practicing this for years and now...finally...I could do it. The next picture was with my hand on fire and I was smiling smudgy, it was doing anything but burning me! How can I possibly be doing this? How can I not remember any of this when I was 7 or 8 years old?

I closed the photo album and cried my eyes out on Precious.

Random things around the room started flying, the light went on and off.

"Calm down" Precious ordered "your power is unleashing, if you don't, your house can come crumbling down" her voice was firm but her hand was rubbing my back soothingly until I calmed down, everything on the air fell down and the light stopped going on and off like a disco ball!

"Come on, let's find what we came here for" I said as I dried my eyes.

We looked everywhere, under the bed, in the dressing table, behind the two bookshelf (I though there might be a secret door like the one in Hunter's house) I pulled out all the books one by one, but nothing moved. Of course the mess I caused on the floor didn't help.

"Mel, come here" Precious said

"What?" I asked as I came near her.

"Look in the mirror" she said.

"I can't see anything"

She sighed as if she couldn't believe how slow I was "That's the point, it's a mirror, you can't see your reflection can you?" she asked.

I stood over it and waved my arms madly, then made silly faces, there was no use...I just didn't appear in the mirror!

"Maybe it's not a mirror" I said

"Mel, there's something called the point, you are missing it" she said.

I reached out to touch it and the space where my hand should have met nothing but cold glass, it went right through. I pulled it back in horror and stood staring at what should have been a mirror but turned out to be a doorway to whatever place there was behind it. there was behind it? Could it be...Precious was grinning from ear to ear as the realization hit me, "It's the witches world!" I said in utter astonishment.

"Yes! And It's exactly where you shouldn't go" someone said from the door.

The smiles were wiped away from our faces with the same speed they came in as mom stood there glaring at us...if looks could kill.

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