Soul Mates -19-

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I'm sorry i havent uploaded since forever, but i am having my exams now:(:(:(

plus...i made up for it by making this chapter longer!! :D

hope you all enjoy!!!!!



“NO! You never did Hunter. I’m right here” I almost screamed into his mind.

“Then why are you here? Why did you leave me?”

“I only left to protect you” I protested. “I didn’t want you to get hurt”

“The only way I can be really hurt is if something happened to you” he said angrily “You mean all of this, was to keep me safe?

I looked down at my toes, what can I tell him? Why doesn’t he get it? How can I make him understand that keeping him safe was everything to me? He was everything to me! I wanted him to be kept away from anything that can hurt him. But you ended up hurting him more than anyone else did, way to go Melodie, I thought bitterly.

And as quickly as he came, he was gone. I felt the familiar ache in my chest that yearned for him. Wanting to see him, talk to him, touch him…

“Are they dead?” Precious asked me with a quiver in her voice, she obviously didn’t feel or see anything different about me, and I certainly wasn’t about to clue her in.

I looked at the wet pixie’s, I doubted they were dead. And wasn’t this the magic world? I was sure some magic will happen soon.

Exactly as I said, a man came flying on a…a… “Is that a unicorn?” I asked Precious with a gasp.


I woke up panting. It wasn’t a dream this time.

I’m sure it wasn’t a dream. I reassured myself

But a voice in my head said sarcastically, how could you be sure? You’ve been having dreams about her even when you were awake!

I shook my head. This wasn’t a dream because I could never have dreamed up the magic world. I’ve never been there before!

But the voice just said with a snort “Like it was hard to dream up nothing but grass” then it said sarcastically “It took a lot of imagination didn’t it? The grass-full land?”

“Just SHUTUP!” I screamed back at it, I know this is true! And I’m going to prove it.

I quickly pulled on some jeans and T-shirt and hurried out of the room, then came running back to take my favourite photo from Mel’s wardrobe. I accidently glanced at my self in the mirror, and almost didn’t recognise myself. I just practically looked like a hobo. And I feel like one. No Mel, no home.

I didn’t have time to sit and clean myself up, but I knew Mel’s mum would never let me in her house looking like this. She wouldn’t even recognise me! So I took a quick shower, threw in some clean clothes, brushed my hair, and even got Mel’s mum some flowers…just picked up fresh from the sidewalk, but still! It’s got to count for something!

“Hunter, there’s a unicorn!” Mel screamed with glee in my head as I got in my car, which made me gasp, not about the stupid unicorn of course, but because we managed to defeat the wall between the magic world and the real world. I could sense her now, and her energy. She was there, inside me, and all around me. And I wondered why the air smelled better and was easier to breath?

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