Soul Mates -4-

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"You fucking bastard! Get off" I screamed at Drake as he seized me in a corner and pressed our bodies tightly together. I stamped on his foot as he tried t kiss me.

"Aww, damn it girl, just stay still" he said with frustration, but didn't budge even an inch backwards.

Ya right! Fat chance of that happing! If he expected me to stay still, then he was in for a real shock! I hate the way he treated girls like dolls. Not that I would have let him if he was nice, I've already got someone to care for and I won't end it because of a jerk like him! I stopped resisting and said to him

"I will stay still if you don't act roughly". Inside my head I was just shouting one word. "HUNTER!"

He took a step back, surprised, then said "I always knew you liked me, there just weren't that many chances with us completely alone" then grinning like an idiot he jerked forward and when he was Just about to cupe me breast and lock his mouth with mine I kicked him on the shins and made a dash for it.

I heard his spit behind me saying "you bitch". Unfortunately...I can't run fast...even more unfortunately...I was wearing high heels, I had a feeling I was domed "HUNTER" I screamed inside my head.

Drake catched up with me and yanked me backwards, making me fall on him. He held me by the waist, then flipped me on the floor and started to unzip his pants.

I started to scream and yell frantically because I couldn't get up, since he was pinning my legs with his knees and my arms with his hands. I spit into his face and said "you'll never get away with this, you bloody monster" I screamed at him but he only smiles darkly and said "oh I think I will baby, I think I will."


I was in the middle of a football match when I heard Mel screaming my name. I swerved towards her voice and ran as fast as I could with my eyes shut. Following my mind abut her positioned. I focused completely on her and was sensing her only.

I ignored all the angry shouts from my team for me to come back, but when they realized their best goal scorer was gone, they started cursing then went back to their game.

So far I didn't slam into a wall. I followed her trail blindly until I could hear her screaming aloud - not in my mind- I opened my eyes and looked wildly everywhere, searching for her until I found her. She was on the floor with 'what's his face' on top of her. My mind completely shut down and any peaceful thoughts were taken out. I ran until I slammed into him and he literally FLEW and hit the wall with a loud thud.

Mel was sobbing uncontrollably on the floor. Her lips were bleeding and a bit swollen and her cheeks were really red. My fist thought was that he had hit her. Her sight angered me to the core.

I walked over to him and picked him up by the collar. I slammed my fist into his jaw and there was a satisfying bone cracking noise. I then proceeded to make the fragile skin f his left eye blossom purple and blue. "Don't you dare touch my girlfriend again" I spat at him. But I wasn't done yet. I let go of him, and he sinked down slowly, then I yanked him by the hair and started kicking frantically at him.

I was only seeing red when Mel gently touched my shoulder. I looked back at her, and although I wanted to kick that "thing" until it died. I was more worried about Mel. So I swept her in my arms and started walking away from 'what's his face' body. "I am sorry" I said to her "so sorry that when you needed me most...I wasn't there for you".


I rested my head against his chest as he carried me away. I had finally managed to stop crying hysterically because being near Hunter -somehow- always made me feel calm. Drake was in a bad shape. The least of his worries would be that fractured jaw and black eye. But I had good reasons to think that he had broken some ribs and fingers, dislocated an arm and possibly his left leg doesn't look like it would work for quite a time.

After hearing hunter's apology, I felt bad. "Why are you apologizing? If I hadn't come to the old science building alone, he wouldn't have catched me in the first place!" Hunter didn't answer, just walked on and kept staring straight ahead.

But his mind wasn't acting as calm as his body. It was just screaming one sentence "it's all my fault!" over and over. I touched his hand gently and he flinched. I sighed; this wasn't going to be easy...not at all!

"Why did you go to that abandoned building anyway?" he asked in a trembling voice after several moments of silence.

"I like to draw, there are really some good views of nature from there" I said with false cheerfulness.

"I don't want you to ever come here again without me" he said, then added "promise?" I promised, but people were pointing at us and whispering and it was making me uncomftable. "Hunter, people are looking!"

"So?" he asked with a cool voice.

"Put me down its embarrassing..." I started when one of the teachers came about and interrupted me "is she ok dear?" she asked hunter flashing him a smile and ignoring me as if I was a retard.

She was thinking he was too young for her but she really wouldn't mind... I projected her thoughts to hunter, who tried -but failed- to hide a smile

"ask her yourself" he said, sensing my mood. She looked annoyed for a second and then looked at me with distaste and said "what's wrong with you?"

I made myself look a bit tired for his sake and said "am not sure. I feel a bit faint".

"Don't hang around here then, go to the nurse's office" she snapped, then flashed Hunter anther smile and left.

We broke into fits of laughs and then I told Hunter to put me down, again, because people weren't looking at us- they were glaring at us! But all he said was, "don't you want people to see us together? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me or something?"

"WHAT? Ofcourse not but..." I started but he intercepted me saying "then I'll carry you until we get to the nurse"

"Why are we going to the nurse in the first place?" I ask, puzzled

"To check" he says, as if that explains everything.

"To check? There was something different he was feeling and it was tugging at my heart.

"Mel did he...did he do it" he asked, going a bit red

"Do what?" I asked, blankly. I scanned his mind quickly, he didn't want to hurt me, or remind me of what just happened, but he really wanted to know if...

A blush crept up my face as I realized what he was thinking, " he didn't" I finally said.

It was as if he was holding his beah all this time, because he let out a relived sigh and smiled, a real smile that reached his eyes and said " am sorry, I just...had to...know" I smiled and hugged him closer to me, although there really wasn't any 'closer' because he already had our bodies pressed tightly together.

Although I should be really angry. I didn't really feel it! I don't know why. Maybe it was because hunter's possessiveness of me. He defiantly got Drake back for what he did. But somehow, I think his anger was enough for both of us. It's like something bad happens to you, and someone else is angrier than you, you kind of forget about you anger and try to calm theirs. Hunter was a bit to harsh on drek. But when I think that someone could do that for gives me an amazing feeling, although a little scary. I mean...he could have killed him...right?

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