🖤Run🖤 (pt 1)

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Sun was sitting on her bed, already upset about her recent performances. She claims she wasn't good enough, her voice cracked, she forgot a step and much more. She blamed all the unhappy fans on herself. She locked herself in her room for three days now. The boys were really worried for her as well. They would knock on her door only to find her crying. They wanted to know what was wrong but they knew you wouldn't let them.

Sun's POV

I've let so many people down, I practiced so hard but I guess I wasn't practicing hard enough. But no matter how hard I train I'm still gonna be a disappointment. Why do people love me, loving me is like loving a potato, so boring and useless. I was sitting on the carpet with my back on the side of my bed, my legs slightly tucked but not like I'm in a ball. That's when I heard knocks on my door. "Honey, please talk to us, we're really worried now, you've been in there for a few days now, just please talk to us" a familiar voice says from the other side of the door then I heard another familiar voice "you don't even need to come outside but we would love for you to do that" the other voice said. Should I go out or should I just talk to them. "What's the point" I say not even noticing how sad that sounded. "Not even one hug from my Sunny" another voice said then I noticed that all of them were outside my bedroom door. I get up and walk to the door, I was about to twist the handle when I had and urge to stop. I let go of it and sit on the floor with my back against the door. At that moment I felt hesitant.

Jimin's POV

Me and along with the rest of the members were really worried for Sun now. She wouldn't even come out for her Favourite time of the week, movie night. This movie night we made her favourite snacks, laid out her favourite board games and a horror movie but still she wouldn't come out. That's when we all realised this was a bigger problem than we thought. "We cant just force our way into her life right now!" Yoongi said with a slightly raised voice. "Then what! Let her die in her sorrow! Hyung we need to at least see her!" Jungkook says back. "Ok then smart ass how are we gonna do that!" Yoongi says to him "hey Yoongi!" Namjoon tells him off. "We all are worried for her! And fighting won't make us or her feel better" Namjoon says breaking up this mini argument. "But seriously what are we going to do. She's not even coming out for movie night". Yoongi says more calmly now. "Let's just ask her" I say. Deep down inside we all knew that that was the only way we could try, but we also knew that this might not work. "We all know deep down that, that's the only way we can try, we've tried everything we thought would work so.." I try to explain myself. "I guess your right" Taehyung says. We decided to head up and ask her if she was just even ok. *knock knock*

Sun's POV

I leaned again the door, my head leaning back, fighting back my tears. I wanted to just open the door and hug all of them but I just can't. "Sun please just say something" another voice said. "Guys I'm fine, you shouldn't be worried about me" I say. "But your apart of our family Sun" one of the voices spoke. At that moment I heard my phone go off, someone was calling. I checked the callers ID and it said 'Best Brother ' "why's he calling" I say in a whisper as I pick up my brothers call. "Hello? Oppa? Why are you calling? Shouldn't you be at work?" I asked him. "Sun. Please. Stop. And listen. You need to come here now!" He says with panic and worry in his voice. "Wait slow down there. Where are you and what happened?" I asked now kinda worried. "Sun. You need to come to The hospital near your dorms now!" He says back. "Why!" I kinda yelled out "Sun. Mom got into an accident last night. The Hospital Wifi stopped working and I could only contact you now about what happened. She's in a plane heading to Seoul." He said. Once he said mom and accident my heart dropped. "W-what!" I stuttered. "Sun you need to be there for mom I'm on my way to Seoul now as well. So is the rest of the family." He said through the phone. "Sun. Please. It's Mom. She's our only parent with us. I know that you are feeling like trash right now but I know you want to be there for mom." He says trying to convince me but I already knew what to do, the only thing is, how am I gonna do it.l?


𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐔𝐍 - BTS 8th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now