Salma's one shot with Niall (romantic)

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You got your one direction signs ready and got into your one direction clothes, you straightened your hair and put your makeup on, walking down stairs.

"Salma! Hurry up you have to leave now!" You ran down stairs and grabbed your phone, you quickly kissed your parents goodbye and got in the car with your friends and drove to the 'One Direction' concert. When you arrived you quickly got into your rows, you were in front row and you had backstage tickets. You watched as the crowd filled up every spot. Zayn, Harry, Louis, Liam and the gorgeous blonde headed, blue eyed boy walked out, Niall Horan was your favorite! You would pretend he was with you everyday, you loved him so much. Sadly to him you were just a 'fan'. They started singing 'WMYB' and you flipped your hair, just having fun. Niall dropped his microphone and ran off stage, you sighed and a security guard escorted you backstage, when Niall saw you his eyes lit up, he walked over to you. "Your so beautiful, what's your name?" You blushed and were almost screaming at this second, you took a deep breath. "Salma, my name is Salma. It's a pleasure to meet you Niall, I love you so much, your such a great inspiration" You blushed again, you weren't supposed to say all of that, Niall giggled at how cute you were. "We should you know, have a coffee sometime, come around and stay at mine tonight" "Yeah, I'd love too" You smiled and bit your lip, he wrapped his arms around you and you hugged him, breathing in heavily. You whispered in his ear. "I love you Niall, I know I'm just a fan to you but I love you so much" He pulled away and looked at you shocked. "Salma! Your not just a fan to me, your amazing! I want to know you and to be able to be with you, to hold you in my arms" Tears of happiness were rolling down your cheeks. "We need to sit down and get to know each other babe" You nodded and sat on the couch with Niall. You talked for a while then exchanged numbers, you drove home and laid down in bed, you received a message from Niall.

Hey gorgeous! Wanna meet up tomorrow for a coffee?

Goodnight :D x ~ Nialler

Yeah, sure :) Goodnight Niall x ~ Salma

Okay, I'll pick you up at 11, cya then. Bye, love x ~ Niall

Bye bye :) x ~ Salma

You fell asleep that night, smiling like crazy. You had Niall Horan's number.

The next morning you jumped out of bed, you put a short pink dress on with black florals with some black high heels. You put your hair in a pony tail and brushed your fringe out. You put your makeup on, but not too heavy. The doorbell rang and you ran down stairs, answering it. "Hey Nialler" You said smiling. "Hey Salma, ready to go?" You nodded Andre grabbed your hand, walking towards Starbucks. When you were there you both had a coffee and chatted for a while when Niall bit his lip and said" Salma, I know I've only known you for a day, every time I think of you or I see you I seem to fall in love with you even more, Salma. Will you be my girlfriend?" Your eyes burst out of your head."A-are you serious?" He nodded and you jumped into his arms. "Yes, yes of course"You said smiling, you leaned in for a passionate kiss.


You woke up on your one year anniversary, it was probably going to be a boring day, as Niall was at work. You sat down on the couch and watched t.v.

Niall walked in the door with a huge grin on his face, he walked over to you and kneeled down in front of you.

"First, happy anniversary babe. I love you soo much Salma and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, we are always here together through thin and thick and rough all the rumors and lies. Will you marry me Salma?" A few tears rolled down your cheek. "Y-yes I will, I love you too." He slipped the ring on your finger and picked you up, leaning in for a passionate kiss.


You looked in the mirror, happy at the reflection that looked back. You looked beautiful your hair put up perfectly, your long dress flowing down. You stood behind the doors and Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn started singing 'Marry You'

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