Bianca's one shot with Harry (romantic/sweet)

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You put all of your school books into your bag and watched as the time went by, it was finally 3:00pm the bell went. You grabbed your bag and walked to the door. "Bianca?" You heard a gentle voice behind you, you turned around to see Harry Styles, the most popular teenager in school. You smiled. "Yeah Harry?" He moved closer to you whispered in your ear. "Meet me behind the canteen at 3:30" He kissed your cheek and walked away. You stood there blushing and smiling like crazy. You ran over to your friends and told them the news, they couldn't stop screaming, within seconds you had joined them. Your friends quickly fixed up your hair and your dress, it was 3:30. You quickly walked behind the canteen, you lent against It for 10 minutes. You were about to give up when someone tapped your shoulder, you automatically turned around. It was Harry. "Hey Harry" You smiled. "You can call me Haz, Bianca" You nodded and he moved closer, cornering you. He moved your hair behind your ear and leant in, closing his eyes. You did the same and your lips connected, you automatically felt fireworks exploding. He pushed himself against you and brushed your bottom lip with his tongue, you smiled and opened your mouth slightly, letting him gain entrance. He explored your mouth and pulled away, pecking your lips. "I love you Bianca, will you be my girlfriend?." You gasped and a huge smile appeared on your face. "I love you too, of course I will" You hugged him, throwing your arms around his body. "I'll pick you up at 7, make sure you dress pretty." You nodded and walked home, smiling. You quickly took a shower and straightened your hair, you put your makeup on and got your dress on. It was now 6:30pm, you sat on the couch and watched the time fly, waiting for Harry to come. There was a knock on the door, you ran over to it and opened it, it was Harry. "Hey babe" He smiled and passed you some roses. "Naww, that's so sweet Haz" He blushed and you put the roses in a vase. "Ready to go?" He asked, smiling like a crazy person. You laughed and nodded, grabbing his hand. You got into the car and drove to an Italian restaurant. You got out and linked arms with Harry, smiling. When you sat down Harry looked at you. "Wait here babe, I'll be back in a sec" You nodded and he walked off, backstage, you bit your lip and watched the stage. Music started to play and Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis & Zayn walked out, singing the song 'Kiss Me'.

Settle down with me

Cover me up

Cuddle me in

Lie down with me

Hold me in your arms

Your heart's against my chest

Lips pressed to my neck

I've fallen for your eyes

But they don't know me yet

And the feeling I forget

I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

Wanna be loved

Wanna be loved

This feels like I've fallen in love

Fallen in love

Fallen in love

Settle down with me

And I'll be your safety

You'll be my lady

I was made to keep your body warm

But I'm cold as, the wind blows

So hold me in your arms

My heart's against your chest

Your lips pressed to my neck

I've fallen for your eyes

But they don't know me yet

And the feeling I forget

I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

Wanna be loved

Wanna be loved

This feels like I've fallen in love

Fallen in love

Fallen in love

Yeah I've been feeling everything

From hate to love

From love to lust

From lust to truth

I guess that's how I know you

So hold you close

To help you give it up

So kiss me like you wanna be loved

Wanna be loved

Wanna be loved

This feels like I've fallen in love

Fallen in love

Fallen in love

So kiss me like you wanna be loved

Wanna be loved

Wanna be loved

This feels like I've fallen in love

Fallen in love

Fallen in love

Harry got off the stage and walked over to you, you jumped out of your seat and ran over to him, jumping into your arms, leaning in for a passionate kiss.

You pulled away, smiling."I love you so much Haz" "I love you too sweetheart" He winked and hugged you, spinning you around in circles. "Now it's time for dinner" You nodded and giggled, he guided you to your table and sat down across from your, holding your hand under the table. You both ordered your food and talked about random stuff, getting to know each other better.


You went over to Harry's house and put a pair of his sweats on and a purple 'Jack Wills' shirt on. Harry put his boxers on and walked over to you, picking you up (bridal style) and carrying you into his bedroom, you cuddled up under the blankets and fell asleep in each others arms.

One Direction One Shots Dirty/Romantic (OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now