[64] - Saw It Coming

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"I can't wait," he mumbled and pulled me onto him. He grabbed my panties, and pulled them to the side. Me being on top, I lined myself with his member. 

Boy, have I been waiting for this.


I unlocked the door after watching Ethan drive off.  I walked inside, surprised to see everyone sitting at the table. My mother still had bags under her eyes, except this time Maya carried the same sad expression. Something rare for her.

"Elena," Dylan stood up and motioned me to sit down.

"What's going on?" I asked confused, furrowing my eyebrows together. I readjusted my hair to hide the hickeys forming on my neck already.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing who should start talking first.

Dylan sighed and slid over a piece of paper to me. It was an envelope. I picked it up and studied it in my hands. 

"Columbia University?" I asked, surprised.

He nodded for me to continue reading.

My fingers fumbled as I picked out the letter and began to read. I was really confused.

"You...You got a scholarship to Columbia University!" I smiled widely, facing my brother, "that's amazing, congratulations!"

"Thanks," he half smiled, confusing me. Wouldn't he be a lot more happier? Columbia has been his dream since he was a child. And what child dreams of a University?

"What's wrong?" I asked, glancing at everyone's sour expressions.

"I-I'm just so happy," he smiled, "this is all I've wanted. Ever. You know how much I wanted to go here." 

I nodded.

"The only problem is," he stopped, "it's 2 hours away. And... I can't drive 2 hours everyday."

Oh. Oh.

"So... what're you saying?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"I found this apartment, 2 blocks away from the university. Jason attends Columbia too, he offered me his place to stay at." He smiled widely, though I saw the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"You're moving to New York City?" I asked, gulping down a hard lump.

He frowned again, "I can't be here, Elena. I need to leave."

I nodded. I understand. I guess, I even saw it coming in a way. The way he continued to avoid spending much time as possible here. I know the memory of dad haunted him too much. I guess I could understand this.

"Well," I coughed, "when do you leave?"

"Wednesday," he frowned again.

"But that's in 2 days!" I raised my voice unintentionally.

"The school term starts in a couple weeks, and I need to attend orientation day, sort out my classes, fix-" he continued.

"I get it," I nodded, "I understand."

"I'm sorry, Lena." he slumped his shoulders.

"Don't be sorry, it's your dream." I smiled a reassuring smile.

He gave me a soft hug. I didn't realise mom and Maya were still there until they spoke up.

"And you promise you'll call everyday?" Mom smiled hopelessly.

"Twice a day, even," he nodded with a smile.

"And you'll visit every holiday?" Maya raised her eyebrows.

He nodded vigorously.

We spoke a little further about Dylan's plan. I couldn't believe my brother was leaving us. It's like my family is falling apart, person by person.

I walked up to my room to change into pyjamas. It wasn't until then I realised...

I left my bra in Ethan's car.


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