[40] - Suprise!

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We reached my house, and he parked higher up the driveway.

"Thank you," I smiled as I got out of the car, as well as Ethan.

"It was a pleasure," he wiggled his eyebrows and I chuckled.

"I'll call you later," I smiled and stood up on my tip toes, and kissed him. I let it linger a little before I pulled back. I'm so happy I can finally kiss him whenever I wanted. I'm so glad he's mine.

"Bye, beautiful," he smiled softly, and gave me a quick hug.

"Bye," I whispered as I pulled away, and walked up to my door. I quickly waved and watched him drive away, and then I unlocked the door.

I stepped inside and shut it behind me, kicking off my shoes.

"Hi," my mom smiled widely as she exited the kitchen.

I was startled as I saw her, as she should be at work, "you're home early?" I said more as a question.

"Wasn't feeling well," she shrugged and walked closer and gave me a hug.

I nodded and then pulled away, "you should go to your room, change out of those clothes or something," she insisted.

"Okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows, and made my way up the stairs, and my mom watched.

I opened the door and hung my bag on the rack near my door. Then, I looked in my room and saw a silhouette in my room. I jumped back and switched on the light, holding back a scream. When the light flickered on, I saw a bright, wide smile.

"No!" I yelled out of happiness. My eyes were glued to the familiar face.

"Surprise!" Andrea yelled as she opened her arms open. Her eyes were filled with tears, and mine had spilled down my cheeks already.

I ran up to her and engulfed her into a big hug, making us fall against my bed. You know you see those videos of people reuniting after a long time, and they crash against each other, making them fall to the floor? That was us.

I hugged her so tightly, and she hugged me tighter. My tears spilled out as I sobbed.

"I can't believe you're here," I hugged impossibly tighter.

I hesitantly broke away from her and got a good look at her. She had the same face as she did when she was younger, but obviously more developed.

"Look at you!" I squealed as I pointed to her chest, "you finally got them," I giggled. She always complained that she never had breasts, although we were only 10.

"What about you?!" She squealed as she pointed to my body.

I engulfed her into another hug, but then pulled away as I had realised something.

"If you're here, then-" my eyes widened.

She nodded and pointed to Dylan's room. I jumped off the bed and ran in, bursting the door open. Two male heads snapped towards me, as my eyes lit.

"Liam!" I squealed as I did a little happy dance, before pouncing onto him and tackling him on Dylan's bed where he sat.

"Elena!" He cheered as he hugged me tightly.

Liam was Dylan's age, and Andrea was mine. We all hung out together when we were younger, but Maya was closer with our other cousins.

"I can't believe you both are here," I sobbed as I looked at them both.

"Wait, why are you here?" I asked as I jumped off Liam.

"Mom and dad wanted to move to Jersey so we could be closer," Andrea smiled widely.

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