"I'm just gonna head back to my room then" He turned and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

"I know your there so just come out already"  

James stepped out of the shadows that stretched across the room, his eyes watching me carefully. I knew he would follow me back, it wasn't surprising to me that he followed me anymore.

"This is not the time, really. I need to think and you need to go" I sighed and turned my back on him.

"You don't need to think about anything, I get that you have a lot going on at the moment but without at least one person helping you your going to get swallowed up by all of this." I knew he was right, but I wasn't going to admit that.

Just as I opened my mouth to tell him he was wrong my doors flew open, Marcus stood in  the doorway. His eyes burning with anger.

"What the fuck did you do to my sister?" he yelled, he'd barely taken one step and James was in front of him.

"Do you know the reason behind her mood or are you just assuming and looking to start a fight?" His voice was low, not quite threatening; but it was a tone that meant 'make one move and your done for'

"I figured you'd show up,  Macey is a loose cannon. She started an argument that had the entire council fighting. She is reckless and impatient and thanks to her I now have to reschedule the meeting, I have two days to organise the nightclub hit and if we don't do it as soon as we can the rouge may leave the area and then we will have to waste more time looking for another to get information out of" with everything that had been happening the plan to capture a rouge had almost been forgotten.

Marcus had obviously not heard the entire story and stood quietly for a moment, unsure of what to say.

"I didn't know, I apologise. Do we really need so many people for the nightclub hit?"

"I don't want to take any chances with anyone being caught out, I agree and I may reduce the numbers however we do need to make sure that everyone is going to be safe" He nodded slightly and turned to leave.

"If it was me, id take 8 or even less. We're going to be pretty obvious if theres too many"

"Marcus" I called after him. he turned back to look at me, James moved back; quietly listening to the conversation.

"There's going to be a meeting for the nightclub run in an hour, tell Jake, the twins, Mason, Meghan, Mayra" I thought about it for a moment "and your sister, James and myself will be there also"

He smiled at me slightly and nodded his head, then walked away.

"Are you sure that was the right thing to do?" James asked, I knew he was talking about bringing Macey with us.

"This will prove to me that she can follow directions and if she can actually do this, she will have redeemed herself."


An hour later the 10 of us stood around the table in the council room. The silence in the room was deafening as they all stared at me, waiting to be told what to do.

"I'll make this quick, Friday night we will be hitting the nightclub, we need to find the rouge and get him into the back alley way, there is a back exit from the club that leads through to an open alley way; not much foot traffic through there at that time of the night so we should be able to do this quickly and quietly without interruption. there will be two teams blocking the entrances to the alley ways and we will back the rouge up against the wall, you all know that rouges are dangerous especially once cornered so keep alert and beware. Remember we want it alive not dead, he cant give us any information once he's dead" I glanced at Macey and she nodded slightly, I knew that she had a lot of respect for me letting her come with us"

"Jake will be leading the first alley team, Hayden and Max will be going with him. Marcus will be leading the second team, Mason and Myra will be with him. I will lead the team into the nightclub, James, Meghan and Macey will be with me. night club team will split into two once we arrive inside, Macey and Meghan will go together to the far side and James and myself will stay closer to the bar and the front entrance. Remember, blend in but keep your eyes out. you know what a rouge looks like and how they act.  Do not engage unless you notify us, everyone will have an ear piece to communicate with. Simple to use, press it gently and speak. We will all be able to hear you, so keep in mind what you say" I glanced at Macey for a moment and she gave a very slight nod.

"Now, any questions?" All around the table was quiet, they shook their heads in unison and I nodded in return.

"Good, meet here Friday evening to suit up and revise the plan. Anyone's late they are left out and will have to answer to me" With that I turned and left the room, needing space I left to my own room. Hoping that there wouldn't be anyone hiding in there waiting for me this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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