chapter 5

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Ally's P.O.V

It was cold, all i could think of is the cold hard pain that ran through me. My jeans and t-shirt were tattered so there was no way of warmth there. The ground was hard cement from what i could tell, there was no light but i senced that there were bars infront of me. A cough came from the left of me and i jumped.

There was another captive with me in the next cell, male by the sound of that cough. I leant against the back wall of my cell and shivered again, wheather it was from the pain or the cold i couldnt tell. I moved a little closer to where the cough came from but as soon as i had moved a sharpened pain hit me from my side.

I gasped and leant back against the wall, i was bleeding heavily from a wound just below my ribs. I had no way of telling weather it was bad or not because of the absence in lighting, unless i accually stuck my hand into the wound itself and there was no way i was doing that. Now i knew about the wound all i could feel was the warmth leaving my body and escaping out of it, i shivered again and leant back.

Just then a grinding sound, almost like a rusty gate being opened came from somewhere to my right. A light came in through the doorway and i used that chance to quickly look around, there were 6 cells in total. three on either side, only two were occupied. Mine and the one next to me where the cough came from, i didnt have enough time to look at the guy in detail but from the quick glance i could tell he'd been here longer than me.

His skin was dirty and his black hair was messy and unkempt. Brown eyes flashed through the tangle as they made contact with mine. I broke away and assesed my wound, it was deep. Dried blood had crusted over what was left of my shirt and my skin. By the redness around the gash i knew an infection was setting in slowly, the pain had eased off because of my stillness but it was still there.

I layed down as quickly as i could, gritting my teeth from the pain that shot through me. I closed my eyes just as footsteps sounded. I used my hair as a cover and openede my eyes a crack, there were two shapes standing infront of my cell.

By their builds i could tell they were male, one of the men was tall and almost lanky where as the other man was shorter but had enough muscle for the both of them. the short one raised what i thought was a radio to his mouth

"She's still out cold" His voice was thick and dull, like any emotion had been ripped out.

Static came through the radio in responce, after a few more seconds a voice came through the other end. It was crackly but i just made it out.

"Feed them both, throw a bandage into her. Light the candles down there then lock the door"

The voice was fammiliar but i couldn't think of where id heard it before. The sound of a key in a lock snapped me out of my thoughts, i heard something slide over the dirty ground. Then again in the guys cell next to me.

Some quitet scuffling sounds and then the footsteps moved away until there was a bang of the door at the end of the hallway and  nothing but the grinding sound again which i guessed was the other outside door.

I opened my eyes after another five seconds and found the whole room was bathed in the soft light of fifteen candles all hanging down from the stone roof. Now that there was light i could see what the men had pu in my cell.

A tray was sitting about 30 centimeaters infront of me, a plate with a bread roll, a few slices of cheese, a bottle of water and thank god, several clean white bandages. Obviously who ever had taken me and now kept me here wanted me to live, what for i hadn't the slightest idea. The sight of food did make my stomach growl though and i slowly dragged myself over to the tray.

"Are you okay?" The guy in the cell next to me was right next to the wall of bars that separated us, his eyes looked concerned. His voice was rough but i suspect that was because of the bad conditions.

"I think so" I replied picking up the bandages.

"They feed us three times a day which isn't that bad. But if they think you know something... you don't wanna know what they do to you. Especially those two that come down, if your awake sometimes they'll torchure you just because they're bored. If you do what you just did or just look dazed and dead they'll leave you alone. Most of the time" His eyes were fearful and he looked scared.

"How long have you been down here?" I asked softly as i unwrapped a bandage and began to wrap it around my torso, it stung slightly but after the first one was on it felt instantly better.

"its hard to keep track of the days. But from what i can tell, almost three months" I held back a gasp. I felt so sorry for the guy that sat next to me.

"Whats your name?" He asked me.

"Ally" I replied.

"nice to meet you, im Mark. It'd be nice if it was under better circumstances though" He smiled a little, it looked broken and still scared.

After my bandages were in place i leant back against the cold stone and i prayed.

Please Violet, hurry.

Violets P.O.V

I moved around from the linning of trees, i'd been outside since the meeting and i wasn't ready to go back. I felt crowded in the mansion even though noone was around, So most of my time was spent outside in the forest area surrounding my home. the trees in this part of the forest were thick but spaced further apart.

I wandered around them, like a lost spirit until i reached a small clearing. Thick spring grass grew freely, amongst the grass had sprung up flowers. Lavender, dasies and a few others i couldn't name dotted the small space. I felt a small amount of shock, i had walked around this part of the forst for a while now and i'd never seen this before.

Cautiously i moved into the space, carefully stepping around the flowers. The scent was strong, almost cloying to my sensitive nose. There was a sence of peace in this place, i couldn't exsplain it but it felt as though nothing in this corrupt world had passed through here. Like it was pure, even with what i was i could feel the peace radiating of this small medow.

The further i moved in, the less troubled i felt. By the time i had moved into the center of the space i was almost at peace with everything around me. All the anger and pain had washed away, i sat in the center and closed my eyes. I concentraited, almost like meditation and waited.

"Violet?" My eyes flew open and i turned around, tears already filling them.



Hey guys!! Sorry this chapter is a little short but i thought you deserve a chapter <3

Im sorry i havent been on for a while but ive been away and had some stuff to take care of. Hopefully there'll be pleanty of chapters to come! and im gonna try to fix up spirit too!!

Till next time

Hope xoxoxox

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