Chapter 6

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Violets P.O.V

"It can't be" I stood up and moved back, a hand over my mouth. The shock i felt was mirrored on Blanes face. He looked the same as he did the last time we had been together, his brown hair still fell in messy waves across his face. He was palor than i remembered but that may have just been the lighting, and those eyes. Those big brown caring eyes that i loved so much, they were blinking and full of life again. And that made my heart ache so badly, he moved slightly. That slow smooth way he always used to move, like we were underwater.

"It's me. You bought me back" His face was filled with love and alive. That snapped me out of it, i ran towards him and threw myself at him just to be sure. And sure enough, i heard an omph escape his lips and we both fell down onto the soft grass. He was warm and solid and alive and i couldn't stop crying.

"Your here, your really here" I cried harder, his arms enclosed me and it made me cry even more.

"Yes im here, i dont know how but i am and i'll always be here for you" My mind was else where, a rational part kept telling me something was up but i shoved it down hard. Nothing was going to destroy this moment.


James P.O.V

"Whered Violet go?" Mayra wandered over to me.

"Um, what are you holding?" I asked her, staring at the massive glass vase in her hands.

"Oh i did some gardening, aren't these roses amazing! I though we could use them to add a bit of colour to the place" She held out the vase which was overflowing with big, round, fragrant roses in black, red and white. The colour was contrasting but in a good way, how she managed to fit so many flowers into one little vase though is beyond me.

"You gardened?" I was still having a hard time believeing. She gave me a evil glance.

"Yes. It's my new thing and we needed some colour. Mister black and white" She said looking me up and down.

"Hey my jeans are blue and this is the shirt you got me" I said defensively. It was a nice shirt too, a gift from last christmas. I stopped bickering with Mayra just as the front door clicked shut, i listened and just by the sound of boots i could tell Violet was back. But there was someone else with her, the sound of the mystery persons boots sent a faint reminder. I heard the heart beat just as she rounded the corner. Whoever it was she motioned for them to stay back.

"Who is it Vi?" Mayra asked out of curiosity, i on the other hand had a very bad feeling. She turned and smiled a little, I moved forward slghtly.

"Vi, are you okay?" I could still see tears in her eyes. She smiled and it was beautiful, i hadn't seen her smile like that since.. oh god.

Just as the thought came to mind he stepped out from around the corner. Mayra dropped the vase that she held, it shattered into a million sharp pieces on the floor. The sound was so loud in the dead silence, like a thunder storm in the middle of the night. The flowers and water spread across the ground like a thick carpet of danger, taking the glass with it.

I on the other hand couldn't move, everything slowed to a millesecond and my mind just stopped. I don't know how but Blane had returned.

Allys P.O.V

The door was unlocked, how i have no idea but it was unlocked and i was free. I stood up, my wound was healed and i felt strong and fit again.

Cautiously i moved out of the prison and through the walkway between the cells, the guy was gone. He must have escaped too, i thought to myself. I pushed the door open at the end surprised to find it open, I mopved around to the right and opened the other door.

Bright sunlight blinded my now sensitive eyes, from all the time i had been locked up i had become acustomed to the darkness. But i couldn't stop, god knows how long it'll be till they find me and take me back into darkness.

I ran into what looked like bushland, trees and large shrubs cratched against my skin. There wasn't any pain in my lungs when i ran, no matter how far and hard i went. After almost what seemed like an hour i stopped in a shaded clearing.

"Lies" The word came at me from all around, suddenly black figures came out from the surrounding trees. They crowded around me, no matter how hard i kicked and shoved i went straight through them.

Then one of them leant down, his face inches from mine and grinned a horribkle broken smile.

"Wake up"

I jolted awake, my heart was racing. I sat up to fast and let out a shout of pain, my side had begun to bleed again from the sudden movement.

"Are you okay?" Mark was pressed against the bars, as though he could magically squeeze through. I felt my heart rate return to normal as the reality set in, i wasn't free. I was still trapped in my own hell, at least i had someone to share it with, i thought to myself. A cruel laughter echoed from behind the door at the end of the hall way. The dread that settled in me was crushing, i knew it was those men again. I turned to Mark and i couldv'e sworn he whimpered slightly. The door slammed open and the men from before sashayed in, a cruel smile on both their faces.

"Look she's awake" The shorter one said, his eyes gleamed in the dull light. I glanced at Mark and he was staring at me with worry plastered all over his features. The tall one stood close to the bars and threw a glare at Mark.

"Your boyfriend can't help you now sweet heart" His voice was grating against my ear drums. Mark mouthed something at me, he had to do it a few times for me to understand.

Act. Play dead,

I nodded slightly at him and stared back at the men, they were turned away from the cells now, obviously muttereing on what they were going to do to me. When they faced me again i backed up against the wall and began to breathe faster, this seemed to amuse the men as they produced a set of keys from one of their pockets.

I used my wound to an advantage and let out a scream and held my side. This made the men stop suddenly and watch me very carefully, the shorter one looked almost nervouse. I shouted again and fell onto my side, pretending to black out.

"What the hell was that" The short one exsclaimed, his voice was dripping with nerves.

"I dunno, lets just feed them and get out of here or He'll make us regret it" The taller one replied, i heard both cells unlock and the metal plates slide in. Then they were gone again, i kept my eyes closed for a long time. Then the familiar grating click of the door at the end of the hall being closed shut was my signal to open my eyes again.

"Your good" Mark said with a slight smile.

"thanks, those acting classes in school paid off" I pushed myself up off the floor and turned to face him.

"Whos keeping us here? I need to know" I said to Mark, my voice stern.

Mark looked away from me, unsure what to say.

"I don't know his name, all i know is that he's dangerous. I've only met him once and i never want to again" Mark pulled his ratty, filthy sleeve up to show a scar. As i looked closer i found that it was no ordinary scar. Someone had burned the letter H into his upper arm, the H was surrounded by small swirls. If it hadn't have been forced on an unspeakable way, it wouldv'e almost been beautiful.

"Did he do this to you?" My voice was flat and emotionless.

"A long, long time ago. When they first caught me" I looked away, not because of the scar but because of the anger that had suddenly overwhelmed me. How dare this man, who ever he was, do this to an innocent. As far as i could tell Mark had no reason to be here. I looked back to Mark and moved my food plate closer to me. As i picked the tray up i noticed that  there was a small piece of paper caught under the edge of the plate, i picked it up slowly, unsure of what it was doing there.  

"What is that?" Mark moved away from his own meal out of curiosity. The paper was of fine quality, ivory and very smooth. A very stark contrast to the filthy dark background of this hell hole, I couldn't escape this feeling of horror that surrounded me.

I opened it slowly and inside, writted in gold ink, scrolled in neat running writting was three words.

Come find me..

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