Chapter 71: Surprising a Goddess is bad for villains.

Start from the beginning

To anchor him and his gospel.

But the opposite was also true.

Every Emissary that fell weakened his God and his presence in the world.

How could Akramax dare to inconvenience him like that?!

That is why Akramax fought to the bitter end against the Knight that had confronted him.

And that Knight made him furious!!

His eyes, his voice, his way of moving, everything of that Knight looked as if he wasn't taking him seriously.

He even dared to yawn in his presence and complained about how tired he was!

He even brought out some alcohol and dared to ask if he could have a few drinks before their fight.

That damn Knight! He was like that, yet his strength was up to par with him! And the blessed weapon he wielded was something not to scoff at too.

A sword that looked so simple, that it could even be mistaken as a cheap those who do not make weapons that is. Not only that, but its sheath seemed to be of simple leather too. Truly, it was a weapon that reflected its owner's personality. But it was still a blessed weapon as much as the feared and renowned Rainbow Sword. A weapon whose name has been lost to history.

And as his God's fight raged on in the heavens, the oceans, the mountains, and a certain gatekeeper city, Akramax' fight raged on in a valley, one that ended up in them breaking the ground's surface and being dropped into the unknown.

Indeed, they fell into a massive cave where Akramax unleashed all manner of unspeakable ailments towards the Knight, but he was too fast, too agile, and his weapon never stopped protecting him too.

But no matter how many times the Knight slashed him, he would regenerate, showing how foolish of a task it was to try and kill him.

He was like some of his fellow Emissaries, for he would come back for as long as sickness and hunger existed.

And the Knight knew that too.

He knew that very well.

So much so that he never intended to kill Akramax.

No, he had planned to do the next best thing.

So, he pushed Akramax deeper and deeper into the cave without him knowing, only to realize it when it was too late.

That is when the Knight held his sword closely and started a powerful chant, one that called out the name of said weapon and happened. Threads of deep blue light started to surround Akramax and slithered their way through the walls of the cave.

The lines of light then made two great slabs of rock move as if they were alive and positioned them in front of the Knight as part of great double door.

As Akramax looked around, his cave-like surroundings began to transform into a mausoleum, one that was filled with that Knight's magic.

He was going to be sealed.

Thus, Akramax was forced to humiliate himself and acted in desperation. Just before the seal was complete, before the great slabs of rock completely locked him in, he shot one last but great ailment at the still casting Knight.

One that the Knight was not able to evade, but...he kept casting his sealing spell.

And soon enough, Akramax was surrounded by a pillar of light that robbed him of his humanoid form and turned him into a black sphere as he was forced into a permanent sleep.

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