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Redwing waited for the moment he would kill his father. He plotted and schemed for half a lifetime. It started way back when his absent paternal figure was nothing more than a legend told by his mother. 

Schön was once considered the most intriguing woman in the eastern empire. The last daughter of a noble family, she was married to the emperor's eldest son and would one day become queen. When the prince died in battle, the emperor took pity on his widowed daughter-in-law and allowed her to follow her educational pursuits by becoming the librarian of his archive. It was rumored she read every tome in the imperial collection. 

"Excuse me, would you know where I might locate the volume Resistes Malum Maledictiones?" asked a barefoot old man in shabby robes.

"And who might you be?" replied Schön.

The odd man pulled his messy topknot of white hair into more presentable shape, ran his hand over a spindly Fu-Manchu mustache, and smiled with kind eyes. 

"Did no one tell you that Melock the Wise, the most powerful wizard in the universe was here to inspect the authenticity of the emperor's collection?" 

Indeed no one had. 

"Most powerful wizard in the universe? And so humble." She returned his smile. "You must be a personal guest of the emperor himself to be allowed to view such an ancient text?"

Melock stepped in a bit wiggling his toes on the marble. "Well, just between you and me, he doesn't want anyone knowing I'm here. You know how his advisers can get." 

She took a step closer as well. "They can be overly sensitive about their alchemist secrets. I've read the work. Has someone put a curse on you?" 

Melock's pleased grin crept up to his eyes. "Not exactly." 

Nine months after the mysterious library patron finished his research, Schön named her son Nicholas Melock but she always called him Redwing because of a thrush that landed on the window sill the moment he was born. Melock was notably absent at his son's birth as well as his entire early childhood. Schön believed he visited in spirit as a beautifully feathered bird.

Redwing spent his childhood among the dusty stacks of the royal library; a time of joy and love and learning. His mother took him everywhere and taught him to read far beyond his age. By six he was at her side consuming the classical volumes. His promise to become a great intellectual was obvious from the start. Schön foresaw him as an ambassador, a prime minister, the right-hand to an emperor, the man behind the throne. 

When Redwing was nine an invading army laid siege to the capital city. His life of blissful plenty was replaced by hunger and fear. Many favorite books were burned for fuel. The desperate emperor ordered his alchemists to curse the advancing enemy. Because of his knowledge of the occult collection, Redwing became a page and in between running errands, devoured the twisted knowledge of the imperial sorcerers. 

The day the city gates fell, the hordes slashed and burned their way to the palace. A sword was shoved into Redwing's small hands.

"Defend the emperor!" 

Paralyzing fear shot through him as the doors burst open and armored warriors hacked through the palace guard in a bloody display of mercilessness. Redwing swung once and a powerful parry sent his blade flying across the room. He was left crying and holding pained fingers in a corner. 

The invaders stormed the throne room, murdered the emperor, and began systematically killing everyone within the palace.  As Redwing watched ruthless death draw closer and closer, he remembered a scroll that promised the ability to create total darkness even in broad daylight. 

"Looma Mørké," said the horrified boy as he cast his first spell.

A rumor spread across the kingdom that at the time of the emperor's death the palace fell into darkness. 

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