You give birth ( Autobots )

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- After he got you to the hospital his holoform followed a nurse to the room you were in

- He nearly panicked when he heard you scream in pain

- He let you squeeze his hand

- He also reassured you that you would be alright

- You both were relieved when a loud cry was heard

- He smiled as he watched you hold your baby

Ultra Magnus

- When he got to the hospital his holoform went in with you

- He comforted you the best he could

- You ended up yelling at him

- He tried to remain calm

- He also reminded you to breathe as you pushed

- You were soon able to hold your daughter


- June arrived just in time

- June let you squeeze her hand since he was going to catch the baby

- He tried to tell you to calm down and breathe

- You yelled at him

- After what seemed like forever he finally caught the baby after you pushed for the last time

- He cleared your daughter off and handed her to you


- His holoform followed the nurse to the room that you were in

- He panicked when he heard you screaming

- One of the nurses had to calm him down

- He let you squeeze his hand and realized just how strong you were

- He was surprised when a soft cry was heard

- After he held his daughter he handed her to you


- June arrived right on time

- She let you squeeze her hand

- She was thankful that you were the one giving birth

- You nearly lost your voice from screaming

- After a while a soft cry was heard

- She watched as your daughter was cleaned off and put into your arms


- His holoform almost got lost in the hospital

- He soon found the room you were in

- He heard your scream and rushed over to you

- He let you squeeze his hand but soon regretted it

- A soft cry was soon heard

- He smiled as he saw the nurse put your son in your arms


- He made it on time

- He found the room that you were in

- You were having trouble

- He wanted to faint when the doctor said you needed a C-section

- He had to keep you calm

- Both of you were thankful that your daughter was healthy


- After he managed to lose the police he got you to the hospital

- He found the room you were in easily

- He tried to keep you calm

- You yelled at him

- A loud cry was soon heard

- Before you knew it your son was placed in your arms

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