Baby bump ( Autobots )

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- You first noticed it when you woke up one morning

- When you told him he instantly activated his holoform and placed both of his hands on your belly

- He shed a few tears of joy as he told you how much he loved you

Ultra Magnus

- You noticed it when you were rubbing your belly

- When you told him he actually smiled

- He then activated his holoform and hugged you


- You both noticed it when he was doing a scan on you

- He quickly activated his holoform so that he could be closer to you

- He pulled you in for a kiss as he rubbed your belly


- He noticed it when you both were cuddling while he was in his holoform

- He had the biggest smile on his face

- He instantly began rubbing your belly


- She noticed it while she was in her holoform as you both were taking a shower together

- She cried a little as she got down on her knees and wrapped her arms around your midsection

- She also started talking to your belly


- You noticed it while you were getting ready for bed

- When you told him about it his optics widened

- He activated his holoform, got on his knees and started talking to your belly


- He noticed it when he was rubbing your belly while he was in his holoform

- He was very careful when he rubbed it

- You kept reassuring him that he wouldn't hurt the baby


- He noticed it one morning while you were getting dressed

- He wrapped his arms around you from behind and told you how beautiful you looked

- He also rubbed your belly

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