How they react your morning sickness ( Autobots )

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- He's concerned for you when it happens but he's right there by your side every morning

Ultra Magnus

- He just helps you in any way that he can, even though it's gross


- He knows exactly what's happening to you and he's always there for you when it happens


- He's scared that somethings wrong with you at first but after you tell him what you're going through he understands that it's normal, even if it's gross


- She's there for you when it happens and she isn't even grossed out


- He's grossed out at first but he tries to be there for you when it happens, even though he's gagging when it does


- He tries to be there for you when it happens but he's afraid of hurting the baby


- He's there for you when it happens, you're just thankful that he can handle seeing you throw up every morning for three months

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