First kick ( Decepticons )

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- It happened while you both were kissing each other

- When he put his hand on your belly his eyes widened when he felt a tiny kick

- He kissed you again as he kept feeling the baby kick his hand


- It happened when you both were cuddling

- When he felt the baby kick he had a big smile on his face

- He also became more protective of you


- It happened while you were sitting on his shoulder while he took a walk in the forest

- When you told him the baby kicked he let you get on his servo

- When he gently put a digit on your belly he put a happy face emoji on his visor when he felt the baby kick


- It happened when you both were taking a shower together

- When you told him that the baby kicked he got down on his knees and hugged your belly

- Unfortunately the baby kicked him on his cheek when he had his face pressed against your belly


- You felt it after you had gotten done with a shower

- You called for him and his holoform ran into your bathroom and put his hand on your belly

- He had the biggest smile on his face when he felt the baby kick his hand


- It happened when you both were cuddling on the couch

- When the baby kicked he instantly had both of his hands on your belly

- He actually smiled when the baby started kicking


- It happened when he was working

- When you told him the baby kicked he activated his holoform and put his hand on your belly

- He found it interesting when the baby kicked his hand


- It happened when he was already rubbing your belly

- He couldn't help but smile when the baby kicked his hand

- He could hardly wait to see the baby


- It happened while you both were in your kitchen

- She was surprised when you told her that the baby kicked so she put her hand

- She was even more surprised when the baby kicked her hand


- It happened when you both were getting ready for bed

- When you told him that the baby kicked he was at your side and he put his hand on your belly

- He was so excited when the baby kicked his hand

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