How they handle your mood swings ( Decepticons )

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- He tries his best not to let his temper get the best of him when you're angry, but if your sad he's there for you


- If you're angry he usually goes out for a flight so that he won't lose his temper but other than that he prefers to keep you with him


- Since he's good at listening he lets you tell him why you're angry, sad or happy


- He hides when you're angry since he doesn't want his paint scratched but he's always there for you when you need him


- He leaves you alone when you're angry but if you're sad he will cuddle with you


- He usually has no idea of how to deal with your mood swings but if you're sad he lets you hug him


- He only stands around and listens to you when you're angry but if you're sad he will try to cheer you up


- Your mood swings scare him a little bit since they come at random times but he's always there when you need him


- She usually lets you have your space but as soon as you need her she's there for you


- He always tries to cheer you up whenever your angry or sad, but he is sometimes scared of you when you're mad

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