First kick ( Autobots )

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- It happened when you and him were in the shower together

- When you gasped he thought that something was wrong

- After you told him that the baby kicked he was eager to feel his child kick for the first time

Ultra Magnus

- It happened when you and him were talking

- He was curious of why the baby was kicking

- After you told him why the baby was kicking he put his hand on your belly to feel


- It happened when Ratchet was checking on you

- He was surprised when the baby kicked

- He put his hand on your belly to feel the baby kick his hand


- It happened when you and him were cuddling

- He was surprised when the baby kicked

- He was extremely happy when the baby kicked his hand when he put his hand on your belly


- You had woken up to a kicking feeling

- When she woke up she instantly put her hand on your belly to feel the baby kick

- She couldn't wait to teach the baby some of her moves when he/she was older


- It happened when you were getting ready for bed

- When you felt a tiny kick you told him and he got down on his knees and kissed your belly

- The baby decided to kick him when he was kissing your belly


- He was hesitant to feel the baby kicking

- After he finally put his hand on your belly he had a big smile on his face

- He couldn't wait to meet his
'little wrecker'


- It happened when he was rubbing your belly

- You both smiled as soon as the baby kicked

- He couldn't wait to teach the baby everything he knew when he/she was older

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