When one your kids say a cuss word for the first time ( Autobots )

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- Your oldest daughter said fuck when she was ten

- You both were shocked

- You grounded your oldest daughter for a week

Ultra Magnus

- Your daughter said shit when she was thirteen

- He was furious and yelled at your daughter

- You were very disappointed in your daughter


- Your son said damn when he was ten

- You both were surprised that he said a cuss word

- You made him clean the bathroom for an entire week


- Your daughter said slag when she was eleven

- You both were disappointed in her

- You grounded your daughter for five days


- Your younger daughter said scrap when she was six

- You both were surprised and shocked

- You put your daughter in a time out


- Your oldest son said crap when he was twelve

- You both were absolutely not happy with your oldest son

- You made your son clean the kitchen after every meal


- Your son said dammit when he was nine

- You both were upset with your son

- He grounded your son for six days


- Your second son said frag when he was seven

- You both were shocked

- You scolded him for cursing in front of your kids and you made your second son wash all the dishes for two weeks


shockwaveisbae suggested the 'when one of your kids say a cuss word for the first time' chapters

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