Part 7

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I wake up in the middle of the night alone which makes me frown. I climb out of the bed I'm in and walk into the bathroom. I sigh seeing spots of dirt on my skin. I turn and run a bath before getting undressed. As I settle into the water I frown. My eyes flicker to the razor at the edge of the tub. As if my hand has a mind of it's own, my hand moves towards it.

I finally realize what I was about to do and throw the razor across the bathroom hearing it break and clatter on the floor. I clean myself where I needed to before refilling the tub with fresh water before just soaking and trying to relax. It didn't work, her words coming back. So there I sat, crying in one of my mates bathtubs. I could hear talking getting louder and soon hear a knock. 

"Cameron? You alright babe?" Emmetts voice calls through the door. "No" I croak softly. "Can someone come in?" He asks and I smile weakly. They were respecting that I was no doubt in the bath. "You and Rose.. please" I say sniffling. "Sure babe. Rose, she wants me and you right now" He calls and I soon hear her voice as she comes closer. 

The door opens and they both frown seeing me curled into a ball in the tub. "Oh sweetie" Rose coos coming over kneeling by the tub. I lean to the edge of the tub and Rose kisses my forehead lightly. "She... she said that-" I choke out before crying harder. "I know Cam. I'm so sorry. She's just angry. Don't worry about her." She soothes as Emmett comes over with towels and a few other things. 

"Lets get you out of this water and warmed up." He says giving me a smile. I nod as Rose wipes my cheeks gently. She helps me stand and Emmett stands with us, his eyes never leaving my face. He opens the towel up for me as I climb out of the tub. He wraps me in the fluffy towel and I smile at the warmth of it. "Hey, look at me beautiful" Emmett says.

I look up at him and he seems sad. "What's wrong?" I ask softly. "Don't you ever. Believe a word your sister says. We may have only known you a few days, but we can tell your friend meant the world to you." He tells me softly. My eyes get teary again but I smile and nuzzle myself into his chest. He chuckles lightly and hugs me. As I step back he helps me dry, not letting his gaze leave my face. 

Rose comes in with a new set of clothes and Emmett steps out. She helps me get dressed which makes me blush but she just smiles giving me a soft kiss. "You're beautiful baby. Now, lets get your hair brushed" She smiles walking me out to a small table in her room. I sit in front of it and she brushes my hair gently. Once the few knots are gone she does my hair in a dutch braid.

"Lets go downstairs. The others are still worried. They want to see you" Emmett calls from the door. I nod and stand up, Rose takes my hand in hers walking me with her down the hall. I walk downstairs and into the living room and everyone stands seeing me. I give them all a tiny smile and they all come hugging me one at a time. 

I move and this time sit on Jaspers lap, the calm waves he sent me making me content now. "Had we known you would wake so soon some of us would have stayed with you." Carlisle smiles at me. "It's okay. I took a bath and just kinda sat there..." I say softly and they seem to frown. "We don't want you sad sweetheart." He tells me. 

"I know. I'm working through it. You guys help a lot" I smile and they all smile at that. "We do what we can darlin" Jasper says kissing the top of my head. "Well let's not dwell on this sad topic. Why not watch a movie before she needs her sleep" Esme says giving me a loving smile. "I like that idea. Someone pick a movie" I smile back. We put in a funny movie, me snuggled up between Alice and Jasper.

By the time the movie ended I was falling asleep on Jasper. "Just let her stay in you two's room for the night. We will all have time with her" Esme says softly. I feel myself move slightly and a soft wind before I feel a bed under me. My eyes open to see Jasper moving away. "Jazz..." I say softly. He turns back giving me a smile. "Hey sleeping beauty" He says in a soft tone coming back to the bed. "Stay with me. Both of you" I say looking over my shoulder to see Alice smiling at me. 

"Of course little one." Alice smiles brightly. They both get into more comfy clothes and I smile as they both lay on either side of me. My back is against Jaspers chest as Alice smiles at me, kissing my nose. I giggle softly scrunching my nose up. "I love hearing your laugh" Alice says with a happy sigh. "What are you nervous about darlin?" Jasper asks nudging me softly. 

"Alice... will you mark me?" I ask softly. "Only if you want me to" She tells me and I nod. "I'm sure. I want to have everyones mark already. I feel likes somethings missing" I pout and she gives me a kiss. "Okay. I will, where do you want it?" She asks me. "You pick. Ive let the others pick so far." I giggle and she smiles. She gives me another light kiss before she has me roll to see Jasper. He smiles softly at me and I gasp softly feeling Alice's lips on the back of my neck. Jasper leans down to me and kisses me.

I kiss him back but then end up moaning softly as Alice kisses across the back of my neck, to the same side where Jasper marked me. He grins proudly at his mark and I gasp moaning louder as Alice sinks her teeth into my shoulder, a bit under jaspers mark. Jaspers eyes turn black now, and I know it's from lust as he tugs me against his chest, his lips claiming mine quickly. Alice kisses around my neck again not kissing on the others marks.

I feel her sucking and nibbling and know she's making hickeys. As they both stops Jasper grins at my neck and Alice hums happily. Jasper rolls me hugging me back into his chest. Alice comes closer and I cuddle against her as she plays with me hair. "Get some sleep little one." She smiles at me. Jasper sends me calm waves and I smile softly before letting myself sink into sweet bliss.

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