Part 6

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When I wake up Edward is no longer holding me, Carlisle is. He smiles seeing I'm awake and kisses my forehead. "How are you feeling?" He asks softly. "Hungry" I say sleepily and he chuckles. "The others are making you dinner." He tells me and I nod. He kisses my cheeks multiple times and I start giggling.

I pick my head up looking at him. He smiles softly leaning down to press his lips to mine. I kiss back softly and he holds me close to him. "Hey don't hog her now!" Emmett whines from the doorway and I end up giggling against Carlisle's chest. I stand up and Emmett pulls me into the kitchen. I smile seeing a plate of pasta and some bread waiting for me.

I sit down as everyone sits with me. "What do you want to drink?" Jasper asks leaning over my shoulder. "Umm... anything is fine." I shrug as I take a bite of the pasta. "This is amazing" I sigh happily and they chuckle. "We're glad you like it." Rose tells me smiling. I chat with all of them as I eat and soon I sigh softly.

"I'll need to get home. Before Charlie wonders where I am" I mutter. "Edward will drive you home. Someone will be with you tonight" Carlisle says kissing the top of my head. Everyone follows suit either kissing my cheek or my lips and I blush like mad. They all chuckle and Edward takes me out to his car and heads to my house.

When we park I turn to him and smile. "Thank you for today. You saved my ass a lot of trouble." I giggle. "It was no problem. I know you were upset at the beginning of the day already" He tells me softly. "You're sweet." I smile at him. "Only the best for you" He tells me softly. I lean over giving him a soft kiss before I climb out of the car.

"I'll be here in the morning" He says after rolling down the window. "Okay. I'll be here" I smile through the window at him. I walk inside saying hi to dad before heading to my room. Bella soon walks in and I sigh. "Let's get this over with. What's wrong Bella?" I ask. "You attacked Jessica." She says and I scoff. 

"Did you not hear a word she said to me?" I snap at her. "You jumped her Cam! She asked you a question and you jumped her!" She yells at me. "Oh Bullshit! Your little bitch of a friend accused me of using Edward! She asked if he was the next one I would try to kill!" I Yell back at her. "She wouldn't do that!" Bella yells at me. "Girls! Hey knock it off! What's going on?" Dad asks.

"She attacked one of my friends at school" Bella tells him. Dad turns to me shocked. "Not without a reason! She accused me, saying that I was going to try and kill Edward. I tried walking away and being the bigger person! She called me a murderous little freak so I swung at her!" I yell at Bella glancing at dad. 

Dad frowns seeing tears gather in my eyes. "Because you are! If it wasn't for you I bet Anthony would be alive!" Bella screams at me. I freeze hearing what she said. Dad turns on her, furious as he starts to yell at her. I turn running out of my room and down the stairs. I can hear dad chasing me but I don't stop. I burst out of the house and run straight into the forest. 

I run and run until my legs stop working for me and I collapse. I sat crying curled up against a tree and soon heard multiple voices yelling for me. I could make out that some of them were the Cullens. Some, the boys from the Rez that I knew. "Cameron! Cam come on!" I can hear them yelling. "Cameron! Come out baby. Let's go somewhere warm!" I hear Edward yelling. 

I zone out and jump hearing someone yell close to me. "I found her!" I look up seeing it's Emmett. He frowns seeing the tears on my face, how broken I must look. My own sister just blamed me. He picks me up and runs at a normal pace through the trees. He meets up with some of his siblings, Edward included. Edward takes me into his arms then.

"It's okay. We've got you." He soothes as they rush out of the tree line in front of my house. "Charlie!" Emmett yells. "Cameron!" I hear him yelling. He carefully takes me from Edward holding me close to his chest. "Oh baby. You're alright. Let's get you inside" He says softly as he kisses the top of my head.

"No!" I say fighting my way out of his arms. I end up falling to the ground before I scramble up backing away from the house. "Cameron" He says softly, his face sad. "I can't go back in that house. NOT with her." I shake my head wildly. "Cameron you don't have to talk to her." He tells me. "That doesn't matter dad!" I snap at him.

"She already said what she did! She agreed with her! She said-" I yell but my throat closes up, the words not getting out. "She... She agreed with Jessica! That I was a murderous little freak! She said if it wasn't for me that he would be alive!" I yell as I slump to the ground crying. There were a few gasps around us from people who hadn't left yet. 

"I can't go back in that house. I can't" I cry as arms wrap around me. I smell Edwards cologne and cry into his chest then. I can hear soft talking before I'm picked up off the ground. "Come on. Your father is letting you stay with us for a while." Edward soothes me. He climbs into a car not letting me go and it starts to move. 

When it stops he hands me off and someone else carries me inside. "I got you babygirl" I hear Emmetts voice. When he gets inside I hear a soft gasp. "Oh my goodness. Is she okay?" I hear Esme ask. "No. She's not." I hear Rose say although I can hear the underlying anger. I hear soft whispering and hear Esme gasp, horrified. 

I stay curled into Emmetts chest as his scent soothes me. "Hey. Come on. Let's get you changed for bed" I hear Rose coo at me gently. I let her and Alice take me upstairs, after being promised I could go back to Emmett. Rose hands me a pair of sweats as Alice grabs one of the boys shirts. Once I'm dressed and Rose braids my hair, she brings me back downstairs.

Emmett opens his arms once he sees me and I walk over crawling into his lap. I get comfortable laying my head on his chest. He plays with my hair which soothes me even more and I soon fall asleep on his lap, my sisters words still ringing in my head.

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